big dog ;s

image: fatdogxg0

a poor dog rly :(

discuss !
not funny
i prefere cat
not funny
what so f*cking cool to make jokes about urtier, when you havent even show your own pic?
I think his dog just ate him

made me smile :d
not funny at all
dont make such jokes, they arent funny at all.
you should be banned tbh
at least you are mature enough to edit the post
cmon it's not funny, you are a fucking joke, you feel cool now?
i can`t feel the fun
plz ban him and unban me =]
Yea Urtier is big-sized and he prolly knows that himself. -.- And these jokes seriously aren't funny
grow up kid
zetta fucking jealous nolifer , show a pic of urself nerdy asshole , Urtier is maybe ''big'' but he may still be a great person!
come to mirc and vent my love <333
One word : RETARD[/u][/i]

*EDIT* : It makes three :-<
*cough* It hurts me :-< *cough*
gaytardo hi :)
hey Lady's bro!
zetta i liked the urtier joke :> i lold when i saw it, but now it's not funny anymore :((
looking like that how can he be poor?
I'd say urtier and senji is the only cool people in d. rest are just retards
i'm a fanboy of urtier thinks his cool :( hopefully i'll get to met him at LAN
poor "little" thing
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