EZBASH. Think with us!

Good morning Crossfire users,

Some time ago TosspoT presented the possibility for us Crossfire users to get involved. There was the opportunity to be the 'supervisor' of the EZBASH project. This project will be powered by Crossfire.

Now powered by Crossfire doesn't just mean financial-wise or coverage-wise. It's also the Crossfire Community that should power the EZBASH project. Therefore we are getting back to the roots asking for suggestions. After all, the game is played by you.

So if you have any ideas for EZBASH features, post them here.

Thanks in advance.


Reserved for when i can think properly!

Edit: Oh and first
Prizes and try to get a decent anti cheat if you still want to continue with ET. That is all you need :=)
Completely agree, though I would put it more like: "If you don't come up with some decent anticheat mechanism all of this will be pointless because cheats will keep spawning at increasing rates." :o
I want my comments from the old thread moved here!

Weren't the suggestions already given in a thread by TosspoT? At least the same was asked there. I wrote up some ideas there.
You're not allowed to tell the truth here !
Make a 1on1 2on2 3on3 4on4 5on5 and 6on6 ladder so everyone can play whatever he wants

And make crossfire ET configs

but dont overdo it with cups imho
When trying to register on the site: Username is too short. It must be more than 3 characters

that's just ridiculous...
You should be able to use your crossfire account on ezbash.com.
oh thx :) but still
Oki, so here are my thoughts:

1 - Anti-cheat :

Any form of cheating should be punished with a lifetime ban. There are different things how you can get this up.

1.1 : If you got some decent coders (maybe tAla can do it), who can code an active searching ip-checker. Once he found an ip that matches to a previous banned account, instant ban.

Furthermore, you should make a stream to all servers with all the banned IPs (with reason cheating ofc). When the server gets the ip connecting , kickban of it. (I guess this should be possible, since I think eZbash is smth like CB ?)

2 : Cups lans:

2.1 Enough cups, but not too much (ok, this isnt smart to tell since #et-cup will organise also ET:QW cups, however I think, if we dont get financial support , most of the teams will play on eZb.) Too much cups influence the prestige of the tournament + give money for the cupwinner (active scene, with a competive spirit)

2.2 : Organise quakecon-thingys and get it too Europe (since the biggest talents will be found in Europe, atleast if it is like in ET). Once again get a decent money-pot (100000 euro's maybe?)

2.3: Online-tournaments: BEST OF THE BEST[/b]
If possible, the best teams can sign-up, and play for the money they had to pay at the sign-up. (I thought to have seen such a project on gtv)

Cuprules should be the same at lan rules.

3. config

3.1: Imo, the config should force the rate and maxpackets to the same level. If the polaks want to compete some of them will have to buy decent inet.

3.2: No id if this will work : get in the config it should force eg. xs_tracker 1 or smth like that, so people who use a bot, can be traced. When you get financialy supported, it should be nP to buy an ET:QW bot and code a bot with a changing ip, who is constantly able to check the tracker and compare the names, ips, guids (integrated yawn). Once you get a person his guid for like 343 times (just saying smth) when he and a unknown friend were on the server. You got a bust.

4. Coverage:

4.1 A closer coorporeation with www.gamestv.org (should be np since tosspot is admin overthere ass well.)

4.2 Only cast the most important matches, so people have smth to look forward to. Dont get it like in ET, with CwG (with all the respect for them) guys playing against low-.

5. Media

5.1 Maybe a competion for the best moviemaker? A poll with pre-selected movies, where the eZbash users can vote on? Dunno, maybe a bnc for a whole year or 25 euro, it is your call.

6. Rules

6.1: Get the balls to get decent referees, who are fuly back-upped by your team. If someone has very suspicious actions (not 1 ofc), or where can be shown he is using wh. Just remove him from the cup.

6.2: Don't get too much different ladders, 2 will be enough and give every month a reward or smth for the guys who are on the first place (---> competion).


This were my first thoughts
Quote1 - Anti-cheat :

Any form of cheating should be punished with a lifetime ban. There are different things how you can get this up.

Th only serious flawed thing I want to reply upon. Using this won't decrease the amount of cheaters in ET. Don't work with lifetime bans for every cheat in a free game where you can come back faster than I snap my fingers. In a free game like ET you have to ban players for certain amount of time so people will "look forward" to that date. If you ban them for life, they will just make a new account cos they know they that the worst what could happen is they get caught again. And when they get caught again, they just make another account, etc.
Ofcourse, when you ban for a limited period you will also have that effect, but on a much smaller base imo.
wow, a non whine comment with a point by rhand, im impressed. and yeah, I've been saying the same couble of times when ppl insist for lifetimebans.
Well, atleast they should have to buy the game again.
eh? its a free game. and who cares about qw? its something that will probably have decent anti-cheat softwares + people actually working for it.
Well, all what I said is about ET:QW.

Lets compare some things : COD II , ET and MoH:AA.
For Mohaa and COD II, you had to pay, and they have an anti-cheat system. Though , when I played Mohaa, you could easily get a by-pass for your cheats (so no effect). ²nd: I got some friends playing COD II, where are still quite alot of cheaters who use a CODIIBot (where is the effect, it kinda seems like pb gives their updates first of all to that pansemuckl before they release it.)
well I couldnt care less about ET:QW, for one, its on beta, for two, ezbash project is mainly pointed to ET, when its running properly with ET, it will have other games supported. till that, I'd give a rats ass about etqw
... I thought you would support ET:QW and that was your future. If you think ET will still be alive over 1.5 years, oki...
I will try ETQW again when I get good fps, when opponents have hitboxes and when the game has working antilag and hit registration.
Well, that will be quite soon I guess. The fact is you will have to host ET:QW cups/ladders go on, if you want that eZbash has a longer life than 1-2 years imo.
first it needs to be running and working with ET.
true that p:
The prices of hacks in CoD2 is so ridiculously small in comparison to ET and other smaller games (talking about private here), that's why there is alot in CoD2. Nearly 90% its piss easy to spot someone using something public (aimbot) regardless of the game, it's the private ones you need to worry about. It's all ratios, bigger the game = more cheaters. Simple as.
Well I dont play it, but a mate told me.
I am pointing on ET:QW, since I guess ET will be dead soon if there wont be a new anti cheat system
just ban the cheaters ip from the site.
ever considered users with dynamic ip?
Yup, but atleast you could start with this.
Nice ideas, overall I agree, though there are some minor things (100 000 € prizemoney? Kinda much seeing that Ezbash != Quakecon). But like I said, overall I agree, except for the lifetimeban thingy, Rhand made a really good point there. But if you're talking about ET:QW (which you are), I think just banning their key is idd a good idea, force them to rebuy the game, they'll be more careful for sure.
yup it was about ET:QW
Hey dude, if a cheater bought a cheat that costed him more "lots" of €'s, do you think he would hesitate to buy a game @ ~40€; And anyway, he is able to crack it.

(Sorry, I've just finished to read this thread carefully, i'm bit late to answer)
True, but if he has to buy the game again and again and AGAIN, in the end it'll certainly become too much for him to bother.
You are right too ^-^
A rule in the anti cheat policy should be that if you cheated on a pub 2/3 years ago and its only proved now, shouldn't be banned for it. e.g. the perfo-case. I've read somewhere its a rule in the American system (correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not a 100% sure). Pretty good rule tbh. Most of the time its because they were 13 years old, not knowing about the competitive scene and the consequences. I'm pretty sure that after 2/3 years (without suspected things) they play clean so they shouldn't be punished for something they didn't know about at that time.

Zero tolerance is a must. Though its hard to draw a line. The "zero tolerance" nowadays isn't zero tolerance anymore. But on the other hand banning people who quit "cheating" (like testing one on a pub) and are clearly clean should deserve a 2nd chance. (see my arguments above)

A public ban should be increased to atleast a year, imo 2 years. Clanwars - doesn't matter its a prac or offi - should get a lifetime ban. That includes cheating in other leagues. You have to make the rules so people should be "scared" to test a hack.

TosspoT says he knows a guy who can make a program which closes all programs except ET and ventrilo/ts2, right? (or something like that) This may sound like a stupid rule (it prolly is but atleast it makes it harder for cheaters :p) suspected cheaters (or everyone, but I think there will be to much contra's) have to run that program. Though I don't know how we gonna check they have it on :X

And pls, if a guy knows his friend hacks and still plays with him, ban him too pls. He's an accomplice. Dont be so fucking stupid to play with cheaters. When cheaters are banned there are several ways to come back, but their worst punishment is being ignored. You don't have to be a psychologist to know that everyone needs attention, some guys more than others. So they'll soon get tired of being ignored and /quit.
Quote by sozeTosspoT says he knows a guy who can make a program which closes all programs except ET and ventrilo/ts2, right? (or something like that) This may sound like a stupid rule (it prolly is but atleast it makes it harder for cheaters :p) suspected cheaters (or everyone, but I think there will be to much contra's) have to run that program. Though I don't know how we gonna check they have it on :X
I guess it is called DMW ?
That is a program, which you have to dll and let it run. The server has to do it as well.

When everyone has it on: it says: Online nr : Scanned nr Unscanned nr

If the value of unscanned is 0 < then you have smth who isnt using it, and who will get kicked by the server.
Atleast, that is what i remember of my mohaa adventure.
wow, great program!
smth like my aim !
dmw doesn't close down the other stuff, it's basically gathering info from everything that happens the moment you start it. So you start it up, then start up your game and it checks what other applications get starterd meanwhile etc etc.

Secondly to get dmw you need to register on their site, which is nowadays impossible with free e-mails. This is because there were to manny cheaters coming back. Which is a good thing imo. Don't think you'll waste your time trying to get your parents another e-mail just because you got busted cheating...

Annyways. DMW is a good tool. Got some nice ingame features as well. But there are many people that have problems. I for example cannot get scanned for some reason on the servers. (Talking about MOHAA here) and others are just unalbe to get into the site.

So I'd think again about DMW before starting to level it up as THE program ;)
Did I ever say that I was sure about it?? Guessing and stating is not the same afaik.
i'm just giving some additional infoz :<
it's not a personal attack or something ;)
QuoteAt this moment the following games are supported:

DMW Supports Medal of Honor Allied Assault ,Spearhead and Breakthrough Add on's, and now Call Of Duty 2 by Activision & Infinity Ward.

After many requests from our community we will soon be providing Anti-Cheat support for both of Call of Duty 2's predecessors, the original Call of Duty and its expansion Call of Duty: United Offensive.
there's also the fact that the scanner costs 30£...
There is a fact cf has money to buy it and install it on their servers.
quad just said he'd try and make something like it, but he'd need community support.

havnt read it, soz mp
QuoteTosspoT says he knows a guy who can make a program which closes all programs except ET and ventrilo/ts2, right? (or something like that) This may sound like a stupid rule (it prolly is but atleast it makes it harder for cheaters :p) suspected cheaters (or everyone, but I think there will be to much contra's) have to run that program. Though I don't know how we gonna check they have it on :X

This is absolute bullshit.

So I always have to close IRC, xfire, MSN, a music program, etc. when I want to play a war? That's just fuckin insane. I bet there are tons of players that never will accept this.
First of all you should read my comment again, get some fucking reading skill.

Second of all, you should only use it in offi's ofc. I doubt you listen to music when you're playing an offi. If you do, then you're just stupid. But I don't really understand why you would use other programs in a war. Are you seriously going to chat, listen to music, check journals at xfire in the middle of the war? Please...
Why should I read it again? You were talking about everyone suspicious, and perhaps just everyone in general. But what makes someone suspicious?
If you gonna use that tool, you have to let everyone use it. Everyone suspicious lol... Today is everyone suspicious because those kiddies can't cope wit the fact somebody kills them.

Only in offi's, so you can let people still cheat as much as they want on public server and scrimm wars. How's that gonna help the community at all? There are more players who cheat on pubs and in funscrimms then in officials, that's for sure.

xfire is not crossfire, xfire is a chatprogram as well. Anyway, I always have my MSN and xfire on, just as my IRC is always on. And I'll refuse to play in a League where it's obliged to close that stuff.
"suspected cheaters (or everyone, but I think there will be to much contra's)"

I'm saying atleast suspected cheaters should use it. They are given the benefit of the doubt and that's wrong. But we can't ban them either. I think this program gives a nice alternative.

I prefer everyone to use it, but like I said that would result in to much people against it. I know "contra's" isn't really english, but you dutch-speaking-boy should understand what it means.

Well the most lamest thing to do is cheat in an offi. I know it sucks people cheat in a scrim, but it's not as important as on an offi. Most people, including me, run chatprograms while playing a prac or pub. I wouldn't want to close it because it isn't so important to win. Every now and then I chat between maps. But its totally useless in an offi. Besides, in a prac there aren't rules. You can kick your opponent any time you want, and there aren't admins who can solve problems... Of course, when people dont want to play the right config you kick 'em/leave. But I think there will be a lot people having the program disabled in a prac. So you'll have to kick way to many opponents if you want to play versus people who use it.
Shut the fuck up.

Basically using something like this would be forcing people who want to play competitve games into using applications you decide on and having to use Windows.


It would force people into using software you decide, and plus not everyone runs windows. It's a dumb idea.
ey, it is just for a game he.
Yeah, but I don't want to be forced into using whatever software he chooses. It's bullshit.
Well, If you can stop cheaters with it, why not (k, u cheated, says enough...)

With dmw you were able to use xfire, msn, inet, winamp and mohaa, (might be more).

Do you see a linux version? I don't.

Also, read my point about the fact that not everyone uses Windows Messenger to talk on MSN, not everyone uses Winamp (well, nobody should use it :oD) and not everybody uses the same web browser.

This is not the way to go about stopping cheats, and yeah, I cheated, doesn't mean I don't care about competitive ET.
The list can easily be expanded. A program can always be improved so dont concentrate on the state it is now.They didn't even coded it...
I still think it's the wrong way to go, because I shouldn't be limited to my choice of applications. The list can be expanded, but what about unstable/development/custom applications?
Its not my idea, I'm only supporting it.

Its proved to work since its being used in mohaa.

I see more people liking the idea instead of hating it.

I'm sure someone can code a linux client for the program. Maybe it already exists. Maybe it doesn't have to be coded at all.

You should search the meaning of a monopoly in a dictionary.

What else do you do in an offi besides talking on vent/ts2 and playing ET? Nothing really imo so you'll hardly notice a difference. Ok it sucks you'll have to start up everything after the war but if you want to reduce cheaters you'll have to do an effort and dont be so lazy. If that's the reason then you're just another cheaterlove who likes to play with cheaters. I cant really see your point in your reply so enlighten me pls

Why so aggresive? I'm only giving my opinion, if you think my opinion sucks then tell me why, without flaming. If you cant do that without than I wont even bother discussing with you.
There are more VOIP applications than Vent/TS2. For instance: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/

Anticheat is anticheat, it shouldnt limit you to using only allowed apps, and it sure as hell shouldnt force you into using certain applications.

There is also the minor disadvantages such as having to open applications again after you finished playing, and the other minor annoyance that this will be used outside of competition, probably in pracs and some pubs. I get very bored, so I usually have some interesting webpage on my second monitor for when I'm dead.

ps: as I understand it, it wouldn't work in linux without being run as root... so basically.. this way isn't supported on linux.
(I'll reply also to the comment above us about the list-being-expanded thingy)
So basically you want freedom. You dont want to be restricted even if it doesn't make a difference (well it does for you since you have a 2nd monitor. Imo when you're dead you should use your time to think about breaching the opponents defense but k this is a bit offtopic) but you've got an interesting point there.
About the applications, well is it really that important to run such programs? You dont need it to play ET and if you do then its considered cheat imo. Or when a program is busy doing something, like C4D rendering then its shit idd, but C4D takes about 98% of your cpu while rendering and I cant find any examples where a program doesn't take a lot of cpu while doing something so it doesnt matter anyways (except if you want fps lag :x) And the situaties this does occur are seldom.

And who doesnt use vent/ts2 to talk with eachother? People who dont, should switch over because its populair for a reason.

For me it doesn't matter if it takes away freedom or not, since it doesn't make any difference. In an offi I dont chat, listen music nor browse webpages and with the program I still wont do that either. You obviously think the other way around and I cant really change that, now can I? You'll stick to your opinion and I to mine so I think its pretty useless to discuss about it.

Just one aspiring VOIP client, Vent will be dead when mumble goes mainstream.
Page doesn't load, well it does but it takes to lang and I dont have to much time :p

Well then we just add it to the list? :L
Isn't MSN forbidden already?
Hmm... I think that the program will be coded so that music/msn/xfire are still allowed, it would be stupid to count out all those ppl who do it atm.
There are hundreds of media players, hundreds of MSN clients, hundreds of IRC clients, and not to mention the possiblities of SVN trunks and running applications compiled with my own custom patches (ie Pidgin or whatever).

Also there is more than one operating system.

The method you are describing would not work.
:< There goes a valuable contribution... But you're right. Ofc ppl could still "whitelist" the major players/MSNs/other
TosspoT didnt say such a thing, he referenced the example from MOHAA and said they did it there.
and then a programm came up with which u can use ur hax although the other programm was forbidding it..."cheaters always win" isnt that wrong imo
I'm a 100% positive you knew a guy who could make that for ET. But atm he's short on time so he can't code it immediately.. That's what I remember

image: busted2fu3
ettv-on-demand like polar had
xRio should make a free banner for everyone who is called mens0!
I have xfire, MSN, IRC open, sometimes I listen to music during a funscrimm.
We need a Anti-Cheat programm like the ESL Aequitas. A programm that is on every Player PC and have to been started before every Match!
that is a nice system but won't it lower the players playing, since they have to dll it+ probably causes some sort of fps lag
i dont know how the effect is on the game. But i know that the ESL cleared out a lot of Cheaters with this programm :)
Well, imo it's working atm, so I don't think that many players will have trouble with it.
nice1 deleting my comments about killa xrio <3
<3 nazi regime eh?
dunno why you do it :p
yep, nazi regime and i still think u were the fuhrer that night.
A well organized cup page would be nice.
Where you can bring all the smaller cups together on one page.

I dont think there is a need for more ladders.
true, There have been already some threads about this, but none of them was able to change a thing.
i'm sorry I didn't read those threads. I'm wondering what exactly wasn't possible about this.

You can have random people that insert a 1daycup (for example) on the website they host it. Then you have the other people (registered with guid) that can participate.

With the xfire database I don't think many people will have to reregister for this.

On the main page of ezbash you have a list of upcomming cups, upcomming wars and played wars with the winners of the cups etc. and so on..

You can then add awards to the players profiles automaticly.

- sorry if this was allready discussed and rejected :)
We actually never got an answer of an admin :dp
mmm very nice idea!!
imo when you put like all the admins/hosters of 1 day cups togehter you got yourself an admin team aswell.

but should you then like clanbase make same rules for all cups (but differenc ein 3v3/6v6) or should every cup keep some own specific rules?!
The way I see it is that the site is run by a team of people capable of changing things to the site (coders) and some admins to sort things out.

The cups can be organized by random people registered to the site. They will be the organizer and can decide what rules can be used.

Offcourse the ezbash team can decide wether a cup is not acceptable or some rules can be forced.

The page should offer an easy to use system to create a cup and manage it, brackets groups whatever.

And then as a player you take a look at the site see a cup you like and join in with your team.
There's lots of ppl doing that you know... Most ppl listen to music.
- A good anti-cheat program on top of ET (ESL Aequitas?)
- One European ladder where only top-8 or top-16 can enter for EZBash Eurocup, to keep ladders attractive and maintain a good ranking in terms of clans.
- Needs to link to CBID for tracking players. And ESL ID or something?
- A better site design
where's the old thread. there was some nice flame in there, but it can't find it.
if you got it overdrijf, link me p:
Cant find it either :(
I'm looking for the previous sticky, where shakes commented on Kajab being such a good admin and the problem with the current admins of leagues.
oh, dunno where that is/went.
This is the topic. All comments were removed and the post rewritten. Blame xRio as I do! (That rhymes...)
no it doesnt...
Both words end with an 'o'!
So? That doesn't make it rhyme. ;) It's about intonation.
When I pronounce it it rhymes!
How the fuck do you pronounce my name then? Phonetically... :S

I will find a way to pronounce it and make it rhyme!
zeye-roo? :oD

How do you pronounce it out of interest, ex-Re-o?
never really thought of how to pronounce it ^^
think its what you said yeh, ex-re-o. or just pronounce the x as a k...
kreo ^^
Ey , I want to read the flame on me :(
the user that made that topic, is going to be banned @ cb there for the removal, i assume. dont remember his name
Support for many games.
get something that blocks ETBOT ... -____-
I will make an on-topic post now.

My thoughts:

I would start with just one game. A new game. The logical candidate is Quake Wars. Wait until the final game is released. After 1-2 months start with a ‘test’ tournament. Gather some of the top players and together come up with a rule set. My expectation is that a lot needs to be improved to make the game better for competition. With the thoughts and the support of some of the top player this will be a lot easier. They have played the game the most so will know which aspects of the game should be improved. They are the front runners of any game; their support will do wonders.

When a rules are made a test competition should be started. A tournament consisting of 16 teams. This will show how the new rules turn out in competition. Afterwards (or even during) some things can be tweaked. This tournament will decide what the real competition will look like. My suggestion is to start a competition for only the top clans. The exact number of clans can be 16, 32 or even 64. At the same time I would totally neglect Clanbase and what they are doing. Don’t emulate but progress. Let Clanbase and others follow this competition (or not, who cares?).

The competition itself. Anyone remember the Barrysworld Rtcw Summer Cup? I really liked how that was setup. No groups. Instead rank the teams (you can even integrate this with powerrankings) and give seeds. A single (or double depends on the number of teams) elimination tournament. One map played per week; best out of three. This ensures teams don’t play the same map over and over again but they can focus entirely on one map for a week (or whatever period). Easy to find someone to scrim and after that week they can focus on a new map. Ensures all competition maps are given equal attention and that no map gets overplayed straight from the start. In the beginning it also makes sure every team knows multiple maps so there aren’t any ‘1 map wonder teams’.

The real goal should be to integrate EZbash with CDC. Online tournaments don’t mean a thing. It has cheaters, different PC’s, different connections etc. Real competition should take place on LAN. So the final stages of the online tournament should take place at CDC. It will be beneficial for both the online tournament as the CDC. No more discussion what teams should be accepted to CDC. The best clans of Europe will be present (assuming they will come but 90% will if they are at that level). Teams with online only players (hello players from Holland and Poland) won’t win. It also gives more exposure to both competitions.

When the structure has proven to work for Quake Wars. All small errors have been ironed out you can think of expanding to other games. For those games I would do the same: Only the best x clans. Integration with CDC.

In the end I can’t stress this enough: Don’t emulate but dare to be different. Only then it is possible to surpass others. Which is extremely possible since they often have many flaws and seem to be locked in. Don’t expect anything new and refreshing from them.
I'd rather say Portugal than Poland... Where are your Polish hackers? Lagging isn't a crime (or not such a big one ;-) )
lagging is a crime!
But not in Poland, so it doesn't make any difference ;-) In Poland, lagging is mandatory.
Nice ids, but how can you know which will be the better teams. I would wait 6 months so new teams can be formed as well.
If you'll start with ET:QW, a lot of ET players will be furious about this, so atleast start with ET. After all, the majority of players who are giving attention to his project are ET players.

It depends on ezbash what they want for a system, the old system is confidential, works and you'll prolly have a succes. (In this case you dont neglect CB, but instead learn from their mistakes). Barryworld's system has to be tested first, its risky but its different from other organisations and that's pretty important (like you stated). I would defenitely see it tested but that's just me. Or ezbash could just invent a totally new system.

I totally agree with top players' support and ezbash integrating with CDC
Starting with a mature game (I think ET is even beyond that phase, playerbase declining) is unwise. To start off something totally new you'd better start with a new game. No league has a reputation in it yet. Clans aren't used to play in a certain league for that game yet. In a new game you can get a good playerbase. When everything it running great for this one game you can consider expanding to other games. Preferably new again. Cod4 instead of cod2.
I would put an "What if mashine" means what can happen if this team win who will be first and staff.
get around 3 pbbans streaming admins and let them scheck every single player that registers to play, and they need to be accepted before being able to play
Wouldn't trust xRio to run this!!!
You know how bare your articles look without images ;) Don't try me... :P

hi evan!
plz add more maps!!!
make a big news about it...i mean only a few even knows about it
i just found it out yesterday :D
we're only asking for suggestions, we're not actually running the cup yet.
then i would suggest that u start it :P
i see the site is updated, and im wondering why perfo and keran are banned, and the challenge mode, is weard, do we get a server to play on or something?
The site isn't live, it's being worked on at the moment.
it works partly...
I think siL stated (together with others who stated the same) has a good point of view. Gathering all 1 day cups under the same flag (something clanbase tried aswell but quite failed to do). If you talk to the organisers of every 1 day cup (which they advertise anyway on your own cuppage) you can create yourself some nice community. With having cups on regular dates (the 1 day cup prospective), but then under the flag of a controled orginisation, such as Ezbash.com would become. Which maybe could even provide some prizes/ biggest part of the rules. it would increase Et activity a lot (well it wouldnt increase it, because 1 day cups are popular, but they arent united) so you could make an active union.

Also please change something about the layout of the site. it's not bad but it doesn't looks user friendly (zomg!!!), looks a bit like clanbase. make it less dark or something i don't know it really doesn't look professional in my point of view of course!
I stay at ClanBase
plz use another template for the site. This one is ugly!
id love to take part, too bad im a busted cheater :<
k thnx np
xfire had a public server with something blocking not registered pbguids - that combined with the users forced to upload their etkey-file (to avoid the user ever to need a new pbguid)...

so ppl can choose only to play against registered players, even in pracs?

(ofc xfire/ezbash should compare IP's creating/uploading pbguids/etkeys to avoid "fake-accounts" as much as possible)

dno just a suggestion?
rofl? etkey uploading, are you even thinking? it was entering pbguid in profile nothing more, giving away etkey is the stupidest thing you can do
uploading it to a secure place @ ezbash.com, where only that specific user is allowed to download it again...

im not talking about giving your etkey away, im talking about forcing the users to stick to ONE pbguid...

thnx for agreeing, since you know nothing at all about pbguids
then plz enlighten me... why is it impossible?
there are bugs(some cheats some NOT), upgrading pc: some poeple upgrade their pc ones every 6months, reinstalling pc gives a new pbguid in some cases like me for example. and i dont get why 1 pbguid only, when buying a new hard drive i have to prove im actually me or something? simple schecking guids @ pbbans is enough
reinstalling ET gives a new pbguid because the etkey is replaced, and the pbguid is generated on the etkey...

etpro guids on the other hand are hardware bound and are thereby "easy" to spoof... and will change on specific hardware upgrades.

if the players at ezbash always have and always will have the same pbguid/etkey, and only allowed on the servers with a registered pbguid - only registered players can play on servers with this setup... and all ip cross referencing (or whatever) can be done on the registered users (server side @ ezbash)...

hope it gives sense... its kinda late
what about the people that dont have every 3 months same pbguid and have dynamic ip? im off to bed bbb
well when you're able to download your etkey and restore you registered pbguid, ppl wont get new pbguids every 3 month... dynamic ips are not that much of a problem if there is a 2-3 week waiting period before a registered pbguid is allowed onto the servers... (you'll have to wait 2-3 weeks for a fake account - and with ip cross referencing server sider, only one fuck up is needed to close both accounts).
You have my sword! ;) but I am also curious why that cool xfire thing about public and registred users is not in further progress and why when I always wanted to play there it was empty :(
so you quit doing sth with yourself?
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