
i hearded that we can use some scripts for sniper but i dont know what is allowed :S so i ask for some help and a simple script only to copy->paste in cfg

tnx all that can help me :*
everything is allowed.
I hearded too
I hearded too
I hearded too
I hearded too
I hearded too
I hearded too
I has hearded too
I hearded too
I hearded too
I hearded too :D
/sensitivity 10
this community is quite repetetive! :o
no problem kids hv their rights too
I hearded too
nowadays is everything allowed so np
I hearded too
I hearded too

not listened to? :<
I'm deff..
I hearded too
bind CAPSLOCK "weapalt;sensitivity 3.6;m_pitch 0.045"
bind n "sensitivity 1;m_pitch 0.017"
get nexus so u can run with scope and u got 3hs crusher ;)
bind F9 "class c 3 ; m_pitch 0.06; sensitivity 3; com_maxfps 71; bind mouse2 weapalt; bind mouse4 +zoom; cg_zoomdefaultsniper 666; cg_zoomstepsniper 5; bind , vsay incoming :D"

Edit: that's just what I hearded
And pls write in console /cl_vanhaomena1337mastersniperskill "1" in your console before you use this settings (=

rofl EDIT? I hearded nothing :<
script user nub
did u hearded the same what i have had ?
I hearded too
I heared nothing about this :)

P.S and plz set /skill_rahquberskill 1
u will win everything^^
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