hi2u g.wargot

During the match this evening td vs team guardian i found this funny ss :>

image: pb000179il8

he spoofed the guid: D573CBB083A216D27A4903E94387D93B

2 Aug 2007 19:44 ****B8E63A1A new guid <- guid in yawn
11 Jul 2007 19:58 ****0442AFBB Format to hd
3 Apr 2007 22:19 ****69626817 Guid
28 Feb 2007 19:49 ****1066F3CD Reinstall
20 Feb 2007 22:28 ****69626817 Format C
21 Dec 2006 22:08 ****1066F3CD Guid

haha :d
which cheat is that?
i think nexus
This is a Big Brain cheat alsjdjhsadjgdasj
hes not even using the wallhack :<
sadly thats not even real wargot,
its not even me, it was some other merc who spoofed my guid, pls its a guid spoof and why i need to spoof myself ? think twice
Having someone spoof you and playing an offi for you with your clan will probably give your clan enough penality points to be banned anyway.
my clan ? Im not even in anymore. i dont care about it no more and GL them.:)
Well, if they had someone spoofing you, their clan will be banned then, I can only hope for you that you left them(officialy) before this occured(but I wonder why the enemy allowed a official game vs your ex.clan with someone spoofing your guide if your guid wasn't even on the rooster).
They joined the server with allowed roster, then during warmup Wargot (the real one) disconnected and a player rejoined.
We thought he was same player who disconnected, but we were wrong. Btw the new player didnt spoof wargot but another estonian player.
You can see it in my logs post
wargot i don't care. i played vs 1 wargot. btw if 1 player has spoofed ur guid it's not a prob 'cos we got his ip :)
we'll see
btw u can tell that u did't play this evening vs td clan, right?
busted! =)
Hi wargot :)
team mike aka guardian?
hi all, ofc i wasn't playing vs td clan :) if u got his ip its must be his problem now.
We downloaded screens from our server. The screens are about tonight summercup match.

if i am not wrong I have understood what is happened:
ClientConnect: 8
Userinfo: \cg_etVersion\ET Pro, ET 2.60\cg_uinfo\108 0 40 1\g_password\none\password\kakajoe\cl_guid\D573CBB083A216D27A4903E94387D93B\cl_punkbuster\1\cl_anonymous\0\name\^7Wargot\cl_wwwDownload\1\snaps\20\rate\25000\protocol\84\qport\50865\challenge\1406567514\ip\

^3PunkBuster Server: Player GUID Computed d573cbb083a216d27a4903e94387d93b(-) (slot #9) ^7Wargot
etpro IAC: 8 GUID [D4189072950DEF88BB3C6E8AF509CF750442AFBB] [^7Wargot]

and i think this is you (real wargot)
2 Aug 2007 19:44 ****B8E63A1A new guid
11 Jul 2007 19:58 ****0442AFBB Format to hd

during warmup you disconnected and another player came

http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=2939686 (cb etproguid match)

^3PunkBuster Server: Player GUID Computed f2c7a2e015acd56f4a20e8b4f10fe14f(-) (slot #12) ^7^6BASIT
etpro IAC: 11 GUID [EBE71D6CEC3CB3D65E6BF97BFF47A198A76197BE] [^7^6BASIT]

so i think wargot cheater was that karrex/kaarel with bizarre guid (another estonian players)

is very late, sorry for errors or logs misunderstanding
this cheat sucks :d
lol,i knew that wargot is cheatin.
great shot :>
erm... whats up duck!
well, like u can see that im not a cheater or just it wasn't me.Im clean
3.part of Aug.2 summercup http://rapidshare.com/files/46788513/bremen_b2_2_8.dm_84 IF u dont belive me, then ask from Skril
wargot plays for me. some1 ovbiously guid spoofed him using nexus.edit: if u got that guys pb guid it might have helped to find out who it really was.
do u have seen my post?
BTW the guid of fake wargot is in screenshoot -.-

i wrote:
ClientConnect: 8
Userinfo: \cg_etVersion\ET Pro, ET 2.60\cg_uinfo\108 0 40 1\g_password\none\password\kakajoe\cl_guid\D573CBB083A216D27A4903E94387D93B\cl_punkbuster\1\cl_anonymous\0\name\^7Wargot\cl_wwwDownload\1\snaps\20\rate\25000\protocol\84\qport\50865\challenge\1406567514\ip\

3PunkBuster Server: Player GUID Computed d573cbb083a216d27a4903e94387d93b(-) (slot #9) ^7Wargot
etpro IAC: 8 GUID [D4189072950DEF88BB3C6E8AF509CF750442AFBB] [^7Wargot]

i told that he (real wargot) connected to our server but then he was replaced before start match by another player who cheated (the one in screen)
I see that war is from thursday to a similar time my clan had an offi which wargot played in. so problem solved.
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