Again...and again

hi its me fear im looking for a serious skilled team after i droped out of dark n beyond....
im able to go to cdc and pay for my own(i sponsor weed!^^)
Ex clans in Profile , im a good medic got a nice aim im friendly and talkactive plz be a lil skilled

pm me in #tacky or #d&b fear`cless my bnc is currently down...if smone is willed to give me one pm ^^

Let the flame begin!
I have weed already, but I could always use some more!
hf F.E.A.R
lol pls die noone wants you so build a team or fuck off man !
gl mate hope you find a decent team
I can't give you a team, but that weed, speak to you @ CDC
He has already weed like he posted above. ;)
fake fear!! :D
better than the old one atm nutting bout thorsten but hes not good atm
nice knowing
to much money?
you sponsor weed... 6 players.... 10g for each one.... 60g... around how much money?
fake f[fear]
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