
I got banned from some public servers and i dont know why (no hacks or something like that)...^^

-Cybergames 1-5

and some others...

masage: "You have been banned from Server by Server Admin"

Can someone tell me what i can do or where i can find an admin from 1 of these servers?!

gg english ;)

DoGoD banned you with a reason, and i can trust him he did wisely
You hacked.
sorry i dont...
Energie ownz
Same happened to me a few weeks ago on various servers (including cybergames).
After talking to an admin of these servers i was told i was within the same ip-range as a cheater/nc-admin and since they got dynamic ip's they had to ban the whole ip-range.
Where i can find an admin of these servers?

eLemenT'FragLand - We actually have some IP-Subnet-Bans, because some very aggressive cheaters not only hacked on our servers but even crashed them.

If u dont have a PB-Bans-Entry, this is the only possible solution I could think of.

Just write in our forums or try to contact Uther or RoK, who have access to all server datas. Contact Infos in their profiles.

??? don't know ;-(

but the idea from rise_ seems very good
change your etkey ... then you can play again
I got banned from because Janne[Fin] gave 100hs and I pwnz0r3d with scope vs some op's team and thay say we hax we get ban

now all: CAREMODE++
Youre banned cause our server is streaming to pbbans. You will have to appeal the ban there. GL
yep same here our public Energie@Warzone

#*eMc2 Anonymous
Maybe you broke the server rules or acted like a retard.
"masage" gief masage imo :<
Estonia UDU
Netherlands Telenet
Finland All servers
just t. - cry me a river :' (
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