1on1 cb rules..

..sucks imo :o

-no pronedelay :o

-no nades :o

-sk on obj. maps :o

The last point is weird imo. I can't imagine how to play maps like silly with using sk..that rounds may take a real long time -.-
I guess I found a point in which the esl is really better than cb, =D.
agree. lets just play valhalla and meet in the middle of the map. after each kill u do u have to sk. meet a again in the middle.. kill... sk.. meet in the middle.. etc pretty skilled
Thats the only way how I want to play my duels
But if you only play like that, you cant get skill on when someone approaches u from other sides? :/
My game is only about AIM :)
QuoteI can't imagine how to play maps like silly with using sk..

Seriously dude ..
I suppose you are one of the guys who think 1on1 is all about aim, don't you?
ET is about thinking, think about it !

EDIT: 'no nades :o' It's a 1on1, hallo? I'm a very deffensive kind of player in a scrim and I use a lot of nades, but even I understand why they dissalowed grenades in a 1on1.
ET is about lowsens, think about it !
Tonight, 5 minutes before i fall asleep, i will !
Good boi and remember money > all
money < ET
free games roxxx !11!!1!11!!
:( money > et

no money = no inet to download et and paly
my sensitivity ingame is 4 and i have quite a decent aim =(
You think you have a decent aim :)
ok mr EC skill, soz :(
ET is about nexus, think about it :P
"Seriously dude ..
I suppose you are one of the guys who think 1on1 is all about aim, don't you?
ET is about thinking, think about it !"

erm..what did I say? If u play silly WITH sk u don't have to think..u just have to be a good aimer..if u play without sk, u have to look at spawntime, to play offensive or defensive to the rigth time etc..the way to win silly is afaik to give the enemy fullspawn..that is rather difficult if the enemy can use sk..

1on1 isn't just aiming, it should include nadeskills imo :(
Quotethe way to win silly is afaik to give the enemy fullspawn..that is rather difficult if the enemy can use sk..

difficult? not if you use your brains.
It's impossible to give a fullspawn to an enemy who selfkills to every spawn. At best he could have a fulltime minus 3,5 sec spawn, if you use SMG to kill him.
nigger please, objective games aren't about most kills ..
You don't even need to kill him to win the game, so fuck off with your 'selfkills needs to be dissalowed' bullshit.
...Ok, that has something to do with something I said, I guess
Read again, than come to the conclusion your the wrong one, and delete your comment.
obj maps sucks at all !
Yeah, multi & silly can take long if both just kill to every spawn. I have experienced that few times. :D
that sucks, doesn't it?
Yes it does. I really can't understand it...
1o1 is dead , et will be in few mins .
are we dead yet?
is your name ET ?
haha do u have any clue how lowskilled it becomes when sk is removed
with sk u need a good combination of 1on1 gamesense and aim
ive played alot of duels and only thing worth playing or something that requires skill is ctf_multi and silly with sk
i would allow nades in camp maps like valhalla nowhere else
1on1 is just gay, with all the camping and shit.
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