Need webdesigner


Need a skilled webdesigner who can make a CMS and a template for it.
Dont want a standart free CMS.

Money or something will be rewarded ofc ;)

It isn't a to big project but it has to look nice and easy editable.


Luger /pm me
How much money will you reward? :)
5.000.000 pokedollar
Depents on what you can give me :)
/q h4d3s` @ #webartdesign. He have some templates for sell (and he can also make a new one)
Making a complete CMS takes days, and would cost you more than 100€..
And if you want a ubernice template also, it will cost you a lot..
I got money :)
coding a full CMS takes weeks/months and prolly will cost something like 300€+

So i guess the best you could do is get a free CMS(maybe a bit modified?) with a custom template wich would be way cheaper
Yeah I thought that it would take longer and cost more, but I werent 100% sure.
And if you say something wrong here on crossfire, youll get flamed =P
a nice design is something like 300€ and a pro coding something like 800€ :D
pro coding is like 1000€ if its much to code :P
If you love me <3
It's boring how pro graming clan websites all look the same.

I'm still waiting for a really nice dark on light 2.0 website using ajax or something.
Well, its quite useless for clanwebsites to use ajax, unless it is clanwebsite thats also a community.
But I would be glad to see Ajax used in communities, gives you more options to remove stuff you dont want to see :]
You can do some nice creative shit in AJAX...
The problem is that it takes huge amounts of time/coding to make that, most gamers/MGC's don't have the time or money for it or they just don't give a fuck a make an ugly site :P

That is by far the best ET clan website I have ever seen. Reproducable in less than one hour.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see a jack Ajax on that site :P I meant that an Ajax-based site would take very long.
True, it contains all you need to know about them, but big MGC's want advertisements and flashy news items about the scene and stuff right ?
I spent a lot more time on than I did on the vicous and evil website, the dignitas website etc.

They could learn a thing or two about how to get people to a website.
if you have some knowledge in ajax feel free to pm me on #vib
Not enough my friend, not enough.
need sex
Well this project isn't for a clansite :p i can do sites with it to u like these sites
Ehhh, it has to be a bit more profesional then freewebs :)
It cant get more professional than freewebs tbh.
I know you dont want a Standard free CMS but "webspell" is free and good, you can find alot of good templates, and then I mean alot! and most of them are even free.

Just look around for Templates for webspell and check it yourself :D
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