Fraggers Anonymous recruiting

Welcome to the Fraggers Anonymous Recruitment Office Soldier!

Fraggers Anonymous (clan -FA-) is an international clan involved in playing Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. After playing with a solid lineup for two years, our Greek team members decided to start an all-Greek clan and we parted ways. As soon as we get our lineup straightened we'll be returning to the CB 3on3/6on6 EU ladders. We'll also start preparations for the upcoming CB ET Fall 2006 Open Cup(s).

Current team members:
Poland -FA-Vorphal
Czech Republic -FA-Mdfk
Belgium -FA-Bryan
Russia -FA-SabrOo
United Kingdom -FA-Maxi (semi-avi due to girl owning his ass)
Netherlands -FA-Jmz0r (VC / semi-avi due to job)
Germany -FA-t0b (VC)
Netherlands -FA-Undy (CL)

Current trials:

Backups / fun players:
Norway 0ver7aker (too WoW-addicted)
Germany SuperSoldat
Germany Magarine
Germany Droby

So what are we looking for? We are in need of one or two active, skilled (Western) European players who:

* speak understandable English (since our clan members come from various European countries)
* are able to play after 22:00CET (preferably 18 years or older: we play wars between 20:00 and 22:30, scrims/training between 21:30 - 01:00)
* are active at least 4 nights a week (since we play scrims and/or wars every day of the week)
* are allround players (skilled in 2 classes minimum)
* have some clan experience
* have a decent ping on Western European servers
* have a ping under 100 on one of our war servers (2 in Netherlands, 1 in Germany)
* like to play as a team and try not to be a one-man-army all the time
* are NOT affiliated to any other clans
* and last but not least have a headset (read: working mic)

Like I said, we need allround players, not just medic-only players. If we get one more medic we'd better start playing ER instead of ET!

At the moment we are in need of 2 players. We need players who master at least 2 classes besides medic (preferably a fops / engi / mortar-panzer) or who are excellent fops. If you prefer to play medic, please do not apply with us. There will be 0% chance you will ever play as a medic.

If you get a tryout we'll play some wars to test your aiming capabilities and movement skills. If we like what we see, we will test you in a few scrims. The most important thing is that you have to fit into our group. We care more about character, in-game skills and communication than aim!

Some extra information about our clan:
We have a teamspeak2- and ventriloserver. We currently use TS2, since we have players using Linux and vent has no linux client yet. we also have 2 publics (a stopwatch and a headshot server), 3 warservers (, and a private German server). I also maintain 4 public servers. All members get a BNC if they pass the trial-period.

Interested in joining or want more info?
Check out our web-site or contact -FA-t0b, -FA-Mdfk or -FA-Undy in #clan-fa

Hope to see you sign up ASAP Soldier!

-FA-Undy out.

~ edit 1 - 2006-08-22: age thingie changed (thx wesbo)
~ edit 2 - 2006-08-25: trials updated
~ edit 3 - 2006-08-29: members/trials updated
~ edit 4 - 2006-09-01: members/trials updated
~ edit 5 - 2006-09-06: members/trials updated
~ edit 6 - 2006-09-07: age thingie updated
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