-15 but no kiddyvoice and behavior
-med- skill but im able to learn sth.
-i cant offer u a long clan history cause i was playing for some off-clan squads(last was high performence gaming)
you should be:
-german clan
-arround med
-friendly and active
pm in cF, irc pm glueckskeks or x-fire: 7bullet7
-15 but no kiddyvoice and behavior
-med- skill but im able to learn sth.
-i cant offer u a long clan history cause i was playing for some off-clan squads(last was high performence gaming)
you should be:
-german clan
-arround med
-friendly and active
pm in cF, irc pm glueckskeks or x-fire: 7bullet7
- junQi -> junki
- junki -> junky
kannst mir deine leihn?
geh eh gleich penn, muss ihr morgen früh aufmachen, will sich ihr taschengeld aufbessern :D