[SOLD] PHP & MySQL for dummies

This book was so good, it was solded on only a few hours

I got it as ebook

btw nice random image lolol
i know it all NP
this book is too low skilled for meh!
Come on guys xD
why should any1 buy it when there are things like warez and torrents :S ?
because you want to be honnest and buy a book
you don't even need to dl a book since there millions of websites explaining evrything about that on the web, at any level and for any langage (i mean, uk, nl, de ect...)

next to that buying a book is like ... stupid (even more if you buy a 'but_arandom_subject for dummies' one)
php? np4me
learn php on website and by trying yourself.

books are shit to learn programming (imo).
book sux dont buy
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