free sms worldwide

as the title says, free sms for everyone, language is german, but should be not that hard for non-germans

- 5 free sms every day
- worldwide (!!!)
- 100% free
- no commercials or pop-ups
- no need for an account, just write & send
- 160 digits per sms

just found it, test-sms arrived within 1min
never had a service for outside of germany. for germany free-sms is working fine for me

anyone who doesnt care, has prolly no mobile or doesnt pay the bills for it xD
and yeah, i am bored. start a new job in october so why should i do sth in my old one??? xD
mIRC free txt messages > All
help me with this stupid german
1. click on "Frei SMS"
2. fill in the mobile number @ "Empfänger"
3. fill in the text @ "Nachricht"
4. click on "Weiter"
For people who live in uk go 2 and get unlimited free texts and no sign up. :D
and love you ^^
Thx Mom & Dad for paying all my bills 8)
thnx gonna try it
the mobile number you enter to send the sms will be used for advert spam or this page won't last long.
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