CDC3 Eindhoven

Is there someone travelling from eindhoven to enschede? It's not sure if i'm coming but i would like to know if there's someone travelling from eindhoven to enschede and that maybe can pick me since if i'm coming i think i'll travel from rome to eindhoven.
well, maybe someone from belgium could give u a lift
You can take the train from eindhoven to enschede
There probably will be a lot of people taking the train from eindhoven to enschede.

I don't know yet if i will take the train or drive with someone to get there, but if i will take the train, i'll give you a pm.
I'm passing Eindhoven and I could give you a lift if my car wasn't full already but maybe i can put zeto into the trunk
if i will find my cdc3 clanwe will travel toghether so be ready to have 2 slot!!!
vai a basilea, thursday evening, noi facciamo jogging!
vai a lugano, friday evening, noi facciamo aperitivo + cena fuori + casino + disco + night !
haha , too far away ;D
Take train called 'intercity' to Utrecht Central. From there take Intercity-train to Enschede. Overall 2.48 traveltime. Gl Hf.
Costs: € 25,40
pesh honda!
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