Dara again

Hello I`m looking for 6on6 clan from Finland or Europe.I am 18 years old , I can follow tax and I am able to speak english,finnish, some swedish and little german. I`m not kind of player who leaves from clan after two weeks if games don`t go well. In my yawn I dont have any red triangles .

I can play almost any class but I prefer medic, I also can play smg engineer and fieldops. I consider my skill med/+ with smg but with some other weapons I am not so good. I will be able to play almost every day from 19.00 cet to about 21-22.00 cet.Clanhistory isnt long I `ve only played on DnC and Killswitch. From DnC I got kicked because of inactivity and killswitch was clan for summernoobing:)

From clan I am looking for I require stable and active lineup without big lineup changes in the last few months. I would prefer clans which aren`t so called 2 week clans or new ones. But the most important thing about clan is that they follow tax .

If you are interested you can pmme here on crossfire or pmme @ quakenet where my nick is Dara.
oops sorry forgot that ;) I thought that i forgot something
I consider your not even med
O,o how come?
gl xfire average skiller!
:d.D.dD gl
is there? I wanna see it:D
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