Just a little something... part2

Some of you may have seen the journal about my little mapping venture the other week ( clicky ) i've made some progress n'd erm thought i'd share it wit you.

It's all just basic structure work for now I guess but I've added the tunnel and it comes out behind the axis 1st spawn which I think is a decent second route in. I've also sorted the middle section out and it's possible to get from the axis first spawn up a ladder to the middle bridge area. Terrain has been added for around the castle and side entrance and most of the tree models have been added. The gameplay will be fast for the first stage of this map as it's really open but the final objective is going to be all indoors. I've barely done any work at all on the fort at the back ( screenshot11 ) but i'll get at it on the weekend some point and update you.


The link below contains screenshots taken from all the points numbered in the shot above. Excuse the adverts :)
more screenshots

release dates and info @ #7squadron

Hope you likey! :)
England h20xyg3n
Nice h20xyg3n ! :p
If this gets into comp mappools, should be fun making tactics and playing it, looks nice.
pretty late man, et is barely alive
nowt wrong with tryna keep it alive a lil' longer with a few fresh maps is there?
at least your negative attitude doesn't help it?
The only thing killing ET imho is people like you going around saying it is dead.
looks great ... downloadlink ?
looks promising :)

will there be a beta to try it out soon?
rly nice !! :o

How's fps in that map ? :o
looks nice , gj
nice, good to see someone making an effort, but whats fps like? looks oasis like.
its nice your trying to make it, but this map will never be used in cb or esl
looks like a lowfps map to me
Looks nice :)
very nice work, keep it up, looking forward for tryout :)

maybe 2 advices:
1. put more buildings/trees/bushes in last axis spawn, because it looks pretty empty there. (the map in general seems bit too spammy / snipy :P)
2. would prefer allies to spawn on the left.
i dont know... but im seeing the 1st axis spawn too much close :X.

a pzf & and an airstrike will destroy to first attack... and put some boxes were to hide =p
So that tunnel leads straight to axis 1st spawn? Thats not so good, but the rest looks fine.
looks very promising
well done h20xygen i wish you gl with the map
<3 Alpha shading ;) gj
n1 h20

Looking forward to play this map
Looks like a map with many tactical options :D gL with that!
well done m8

looks pretty good

want play it :<
nice one paul !

looking forward to playing it in cups =)
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