server problemo

When i connect to my server, he gives me this reason, why i can't get in..

QuoteCouldn't load an official pak file;
verify your installation and make sure
it has been updated to the latest

need hAlp!

edit: everybody that tried to connect got that message
maybe you deleted a file?
try reinstalling :>
ask some friend if he can make some screenshot of his etpro / etmain so you can see wich file you're missing .
Also could be the shortcut you might be using ,check weither the reference path is correct , if its correct then check your etmain map (etpro auto downloads missing files so no need checking any MOD maps)
ur server is 2.60b and ur etpro is 2.60 or opposite?
remove all *.tmp files... and useless *.pk3 sometimes thats help
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