
played offi in cb3on3 eu ladder...

guid: 999257279DD4BF30C256A17AE6CA831267EED4F5

cb account


full life ban + cut his hands imo
"please put of your hax"


Most blatant wallhack ever!
C133313543C857A902F17911E05DBE7D5BF1EE3B hi2u :] and im not hungarian tbh
how's the weather in Hungary anyway?
how's the weather in South-Africa anyway?
suppose to be hot
not in the night
bah nick stealer :(
lol..he needs some cheat-training
So, guys i 'm n1 moviemaker or no? I do this f*cking 1337 teh avi file ! :O
im a haxooooooooor

the movie doenst work by me :< but i got my own demos

soz, if its wh: put your sounds higher or buy teamspeak

if its aimbot: then im just 2pro4you

btw i just playd a war aiganst unfeith skynz

ask him, if i hackd xD
they pwnd me :<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
dude you're just tracking people through walls constantly, you're not even fucking hiding it.. you fucking retard, die
Nice buddylist m8

No aimbot (maybe a very bad one), just blatant wallhack. Get The Fuck Out.
On this .avi file i give only few actions from 1 round of sd! We play 3 maps so i can do smth like 5 minutes movie or longer you fuc*ing retard :<

euhm..he sucks .. pretty clear wallhack imo but no aimbot.. as u can see :DD
Kareltje Kareltje toch !
Lasted 1 month.
+ 21 days, must be pro
ahahahahahah now i saw the video

this isnt wh @ all O.M.G

u just see the things where im shooting
but, if u should record from 5 secs before too

the most things u can hear with sound or u can SEE with ur fkcing eyes lol.. in supply its all sound exept @ cave -> u can see that o.m,g

@adler they just told me 1 is behind the controls
ok so maybe upload your full demos? so everyone could see how you were aiming throught walls 4 all match?
You just hack,
Bullshit with hearings. Yawn gives us enough proof

Btw. nice shooting @ wal without saw@ Adler :x
Sponge if you know he is behind controls take a fucking nade instead of shooting at the wall rofl :D
how can u make these videos without my demos

u should have all my demos then, if u can make this
we use wolfcam ;] we dont have your demos because after the match you say i go sleep and quit... we write to you on server after 1st map b4, upload your demos... i know you have 15 years and must go sleep before 22 or your father will own you with cable from battery charger :> So you cant upload I guess...
"i know you have 15 years and must go sleep before 22 or your father will own you with cable from battery charger"

Yeah, on adler you know he is behind controls and you jump shoot troght wall superbly on his head and he is move left your crosshair move left superbly with head too...

Anyway, you have clear yawn from 3 days nice1 :-)
i never seen such a worse cheater :-]
yawn is fucked up
wait tll i buy new pc
then u will see im not a cheater

and i didnt had to sleep
my parents had to work and they were sleeping
and i had to stop
cus there is something wrong with our internet so i put down a cable, normally i have wireless connection

and i had to close window downstairs etc...

and what if i want to sleep early? is that a problem 4u?
i dont care what u think
so u should upload demos next day... btw. u dont have to buy new pc u probably have guidspoofer so its np 4 ya
lol why i should play then with my normal guid if i should have spoofer

becouse u r so stupid u are aiming through walls? retard, you dont even know how to use wh :X
spongebob your more stupid than polaks
u just .. LoStTtTtT

btw the day after we lost a 2o2, soz they hack too if i do?
ok new proofs :X i saw demos from b4 and make new short avi:

what now? you hear mayki on 1st action, btw you never lean, maybe you forgot bind that?

ps. our match will be canceled in cb ;] or score change to 1;0 for us :*
u saw demos while i didnt send any .. pls stop whining
btw. guy with nexus lost 10on10 vs highskilled playors so he dont have hax! gr8 thinking

please stop with saying you don't cheat, first busted with fu2.pk3 , now with nexus yeah right.
you don't cheat :o

nice avi kratek :D
pls buy teamspeak or headset
lol your man doesn't say that you need to shoot at the wall because there is a player there?
ore you automaticly find his head without even lean. well, you got some great piece of teamspeak mates then.
why aren't your mates that good as you then?

Just busted, stop thinking about lame excuses. it doesn't help.


and btw. i got a headset.
and with my hs i hear player, truth.
but not as good as you ,like aiming on there head while the even not moving
uahahahhahahahhaahahaha XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
plz next time use Q and E ?
n1 wh :]
1 month and 21 days

its funneh .. all the "new" players are getting accused of hacking :D
nexus is still working on most private servers.
i dont think so but how do u know that? u must have tested it no0b
Nope. i don't hax its 2 lame. friend of my played with it, and got busted on publics and never on privates
sure its a friend
or maybe it was ur brother
or just someone who merc'd 1 time
or just someone who told u on mirc who u dont know
it was my little busted FOX! :)
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