Game integrity

When I join a server, I get kicked after a min => Game integrity error.

I thought that running pbweb would help but it didn't.

Used to have thesame problem about a year ago but it was always fixed after /reconnect..
use pbsetup.exe from site
Did that
Didn't work
It should work..
update pb
uninstall game download
Klapp Klapp :DDD
It doesn't work.
I tried again, still get the error
#1 remove "pb" folder
#2 make a new "pb" folder
#3 download "pbsetup.exe" from site into "pb" folder
#4 run & update
#5 play

press alt+f4, it may crash your game, but after several tries it will solve all problems!
Install ET , use update 2.60 , then install 2.60 B

Update PB with pbsetup.exe

Make sure you connect to a 2.60B server and not to a 2.60 server or you might get that error or something like Invalid ET.exe version
hax0r :(
thx mactox =)
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