big ET problem

Well Im back again with a problem :<

yesturday I installed ET after a long while (didnt have a computer)...and now when I join a server I get this error...

RESTRICTION: Service Communication

Failure: PnkBstrA.exe

I really dont know wath to do, I updated my drivers updated my pb like 10 times tryed to reinstall.....but nothing....TBH I dont even know waht the shit is-.-

so is here some1 that is really nice and knows how to help me?

btw, its Windows Vista Business
cant help you, but there are alot of ppl with the same prob. browse trhew journals/forums
treezer pme @ quakenet on my channel #Good:/ and I will help u :)

Save this to your destkop

Run it



Run ET and see if it is fixed , if not : run it again , uninstall , reboot , install , reboot , run ET, check weither firewall blocks PnkbstrA.exe

See weither the service is automaticly started : press start , run

Typ in services.msc and press enter

Scroll down till you find PnkbstrA.exe and see if its running and set to automaticly running

Run ET after all of this and if you get kicked for something wich includes PnkbstrB.exe , look in firewall weither its blocked , if so unblock and run ET once more

Should be fixed then!!

wasn't there a sticky on that topic some days ago?
all fixed now =).....thx for the effort alL;)
BIG BIG BIG problem!!! download PnkbstrB.exe and finish
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