looking for a clan =x

After being inactive for the past 4 or 5 months i've decided i might start playing ET actively again. I guess my skill is around med but you can be the judge. Ex clans in profile.

Contact me on irc, (nick: apple) for more info :p
go play WOW again! ET is going to die!
just warned you !
look who's talking :<
I never played WoW !
WoW suckz like, like your girlfriend suckz your dick?
he's tooooooo young to be sucked , he can't touch a girl , he need to be maried !
No I mean, you're saying ET is dying... but you look like a newschool :< I hate WoW aswell as you :]

And, I don't have girlfriend _anymore_ :(
after being addicted to WOW apple now needs a clan again :) gl m8
gl apple

image: apfel

Haha i hope you are ashamed of this joke :D
WoW sux , ET sux , SRO ownz !
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