Fluxje, KAPOKS

oke, that Fluxje guy was "a bit weird" in clanwar we played against KAPOKS, but wolfcam showed his "skills", here are a few shit quality clips I've made:






got more of such moments, atm 2lazy2make more aviez.. I think these are enough.
n1 bust
...i bet that he is nice at Ventrilo...
yeah I played against him too and I remember him good, I was almost sure he is cheating..
the 3rd one could be coincidence

the other ones are just too fast. thanks god that there is slowmotion.
kill the bitch
that suck
sorry, for my upper comment but idd, he is a fucking cheater

i remember playing against kapoks and he was like wtf and knowing everything and aiming like mystic + butchji + maus
see my comment :<

i also have logs of him trying to tell me he doesn't hack anymore and that a friend did it O_o
Is this for real omfg
I HAS OWNED U YESTERDAY WITH ME 13337 rifle skills!

proof it !
i think the majority of cheater doesn't have skilled aim!
i can send u demos but u have to make sexy avi's like that!
oh noes! i formatted my computer i lost my hot famous movies ! :>
ohhhhhhhh shit rly sad:<
lol flux...
Well imo its just good headset and knowing about game.. if u can hear some1 with good headset shooting u can almost exacly know where he is.. the 3rd movie is a bit wirld thru but that could be just coincidence
could be, but i like the first one the most! ofc i can hear ppl etc. but track them exactly on the other hand istn that easy through a wall
well he just moved at the line of the wall.. its exacly place where the heads are so sometimes i just follow the lines and it might look like WH also.. so imo get more vids with that and some more obvious proves
plz look at the one on radar ! hes behind the hill :D
could be just checking fake radar, nr 2 is least suspicious, nr 1 and 3 are a bit more obvious
btw can you bann someone with demos as proof ?
if the guids are in the demo, i.e yawn has been actioned or /guids!
so what will happen with him?
FLUX :<< Aww.. Not you too? :( you are nice guy but dont mess things up whit cheating :/
Flux has been banned from every north american league so I guess he goes to euro and hacks to.
Wheres moarhaxplx_2.avi :D and no I dont rly care.

e: lold at avi's :D:D:D:D:D
now ban the rest of those tards please
lol thats key
longer vids please lol.
Quality sux, but i liked the music
btw, hes banned from twl for using nexus, got caught 12 times or something

also, i was told this is him but clicking on the guids and shit to find out more and it doesnt show me that it is him

Can you tell me where your sources are from I want to investigate further!

Someone that sent me some proof, was on a forum too but I don't think it is around anymore, sec
bs proof, get something better..
bs comment/reply, get replying skills
get better proof turd
Please show the full demo's. On the first one i was moving my crosshair along the line on the wall. I didnt know there was a guy there. On the second one the guy had shot me about 5-6 times before so i packed up and then looked to see if he was there. The third one is just comon sence. I heard someone packing then my team-mate was being shot at and facing that way. Quite ammusing though. Good try.
Yeah, really good try.
Yeah, retards all of them. Idiot.
lol this is shit avi. proves nothing tbh , if you really wanted to cause a prob then u could move the crosshair in the your movie cfg. xD
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