Scottish boyo searches clan

Yea, as the title says, there's a scottish boy who appears to be clanless. Thats rare for a Scot innit?

(19:12:55) (@bl1tz_) `xedos
(19:12:59) (@bl1tz_) post on corssfire for me
(19:13:09) (@`xedos) lol?
(19:13:12) (@`xedos) wat then?

So as he's too lazy to do it for himself, I'll do it for him...

So it's ScotlandBlitz from iNmotion (check his details from his profile if he bothers to post)....
He's looking for a clan, med skilled, very active. The only down side is blitz can't talk any english, or any language for that matter apart from his own :X

Seriously though, this guy is good and getting better, so any med/med+ clans should trial him...

Contact thru HIS PM or come on (help me fill channel back up as I've retired from et)

GL m8, don't forget the shoutouts when u make it big!!
gL xbl1tz u irish focker. :)
Hmm i didnt realise u replied to me =D
get him guys, bl1tz needs an assrape now and then <3
rofl if he cant speak english nobody wants a player like him np
Hes joking :/ its my only language
rofl nobody want a player who doesnt have any humour either xD
I've been cless for almost 3 years. :D
lol Max, same reason as blitz? English skillz? :P
I pwn at English skills.
We are rare tho, limited edition :D
Like a nice whiskey...
Only got a fridge of tenants atm =-o
gl u sexy, hairy beast
lol sight i think u get confused with cutty:x
ye , I'm the sexy one
ROFL, sight you fuckin retard adding to me your profile, I get to you that much?! hah! gG nigga.
the kilt jokes still hurt :((((
A Scotsman and a Norseman were walking along a road, when they came upon a sheep with its head stuck between two fence-rails. The Scotsman immediately rushed up to the sheep, flipped his kilt up, and went at it with enthusiasm.
When he was done, he said to the Norseman, "Och, that was a good 'un. Laddie, have you ever tried this?"
The Norseman admitted he hadn't, and the Scotsman said, "Well, you really ought to!"
The Norseman sized up the situation for a minute, and then said, "Well, I would, but I don't think I can get my head between those rails."
gl ofc:)
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