CDC lansettings

I wrote a small tutorial for all the players going to CDC. I hope to make it easier for them to install the settings they use at home and prevent any problems with the windows patching. The tutorial is also aimed at ppl who do not use any special settings; some tard is bound to turn off windows acceleration or mess with the usbrates :P

[center]Hit Me[/center]

Feel free to post the problems you experienced at CPC. Somebody post the r_customshit you needed to fix the resolution on the widescreens :P
r_mode "-1"
r_customheight "xxx"
r_customwidth "xxx"
+ cg_drawgun 1 so the player can see what can he's using
stop being so fucking funny
afaik you need 16/10 resolution

1440×900, dont remember the exact resolution the wizzrd monitors ran at
I just pointed out the commands :)
I won't attend CDC since I don't have enough money to pay by myself so :/
Well, i hope somebody remembers and post the exact resolution :P I think it was 1280 x 720 or smthing like that.
I guess it was either 1280x786 or smth like that..
If it was widescreen monitors.
1440x900 is correct.
cg_fov 100.39487232

is also important if they want to play like @ home
if you are used to playing cg_fov 90, and then you use a widescreen resolution on LAN, you use cg_fov 100.39487232

Trust me on this, you will be at an advantage over the people who dont know about it (you can see more) and you are playing almost exactly like you are at home except with more on the left and right.

It's almost garunteed that you will play better like this.
any formula for this? (even this is probably just some weird humor)
Dunno why but sth is fucked up, rly
choosen 5:4, then 16:10, it told meh i should use fov 80 o_0
I tell you, fov 90 on widescreen rocks.. Much easier to aim.
Not really.

Anyway it is irrelevant, most of these people are playing with widescreen for only 3 days... they want to play with the same vertical fov that they would have at home, so hence the cg_fov 100.xxxx malarky. They WILL play better like this than with cg_fov 90 @ widescreen.
I think you hit the nail there, it's about what you're used to. I'm used to fov 90@widescreen, and when i tried fov 90 on non-widescreen(which theoretically should be a better screen, it was a CRT), i couldn't hit a barn door.. :|

The advantage of fov 90@wide is plain easy, the player models get bigger. and thus they get easier to hit. Simple as that.
good job
Wish you did this much earlier! :-DD
overdrive, l4mp knows about those r_settings ;-)
Thanks you :)
imo players should just be allowed to bring their pc with them + screen, then there wouldn't be this shit...
this way it is more easier + all players have samekind of computers :)
nope then you can lag again
they wont let me smoke weed inside, so i cant spec and smoke. how do i fix this ?
dont worry all the mazz wars will be played from the mazz cabin. every player and spec will receive a
I also have a widescreen tft, and I play at r_mode 7. No need to play in native resolution afaik.
ownertje :D
You might think you play better becuase you are "used" to it, but trust me, you WILL play better on a true 16:10 resolution.
Why?, and I don't get why I should use fov 100.xxxx instead of 90.
because the models are squished and your ratios are totally fucked up

also whats the point of playing with widescreen if you cant see more?

cg_fov is keeping the same VERTICAL fov (cg_fov should be based on vertical fov and not horizontal fov, fucking id) so you can see the same top/bottom but more on the left/right, its the same as using fov 90 in 4:3
if a few polish were at the pc's u are about to play on u will never get close to ur own settings :p they had like 500 cfgs in the etfolder (no joke) and some programs installed
nrs used a dynamitetimer on lan :D
sounds tricky, thank god im not there!
just use the bullvox style PLUG AND PLAY :p
and win a qpad :>
i won a hat not a qpad:p
vette nick maat
LCD screens are 1440×900 @ 60Hz or 75Hz?
hopefully 75
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