WZZRD afk?

I've been trying to reach WZZRD to make a reservation but i dont get any responce from them.

A week ago i mailed them for some info and replied to make a reservation,but still got nothing back. Also tried the phone nr on their website and a mobile nr i received per email, but they dont pick up or i get this guys voicemail.

Anyone else having this same problem?
yes there away from keyboard!
where they go?
not braundorf?
no they first went to adler and stole the docs! The docs told them to camp in oasis!
Actually all this CDC3 shit is fake, there is nothing at all, TosspoT just wants money and will quit the scene then. And because everyone will be so pist off we will all quit and find a new game ..
they don't care about you :C now turn emo
LOol i got exactly the same problem.... i booked 2 rooms in ze hotel @ campus about 3 weeks ago.. i directly got a mail back that my reservation was confirmed... and he would send me another email with the payment terms within few days... after that i heard nothing anymore... i mailed... called and end up with the same problem as you...
Thank you for your e-mail.

Unfortunately we do not have rooms available at location Logica for the period mentioned in your e-mail.
At the moment we do have rooms available at our second location on the campus, Conference hotel Drienerburght.
The price for a single room there is € 73,50 per room per night including breakfast.
I can also put your request for Logica on our waiting list and contact you in case rooms become available.

With kind regards,

Ronald Schoemaker

Conference hotel Drienerburght Enschede NL University of Twente

Telephone: +31 53 4802666
Telefax: +31 53 4802660
E-mail: [email protected]
URL: www.drienerburght.nl

For reservations please dial our direct number +31 53 4802666 or visit our webpage www.drienerburght.nl.

was all i got :D
they hate you even more then they hate me !
But lets get serious... imo Tosspot should sort things out here...
well THAT's nice to know!

at least u got a reply its full...
(not gonna pay f*cking 70 euro's per night tho)
Same here, got confirmation. Called them when they didn't reply after 1 1/2 week. They told me they would send e-mail with info's about payment tomorrow.
A week later... still no e-mail!

Bunch of amateurs imo.
they should've left the bungalows arrangement etc for the university tbh!
they're much better at this
he said they reserved a bungalow for us , if they don't have one i destroy their place.
i got backup !
je kan em mobiel toch bereiken? die tymen ofzo.....
ja heb ik zelfs zoveel keer gedaan, een dag nam ie op en zei hij dat hij de mails de volgende dag ging nakijke. dat gebeurde niet.. heb ik erges anders geboekt en heeft tymen me erna gebeld en zich geexcuseerd, maar dat was te laat =)
ik krijg al dagen alleen voicemail
I couldn't reach them since 21august, thats why I booked some other place :)
since 21sept??

nice living in the future
august* sry :)
[email protected] and [email protected]
recommend u to call them imo :p prolly wont respond to mails
wtf, i shall have to phone them from austria?! They are siuated in Netherlands :o 1€/min imo
Got the same problem here :(
Got the same problem...waiting since 2 weeks for a confirmation now.
i have half of my part of a bunkbed spare, bidding commence.
same here; I have tried to book 3 beds in the "highbot-hut" and the only thing I have got till now is, that he reserved 3slots and I will get further informations next week (which should have been last week I think).

QuoteHi Alexander,

I have reserved 3 beds for you. In the same hut as Highbot. You will get all information on confirming your bookings next week.


Tymen Boon
haha his name is Boon :x no wonder he fucked it up.
d&b got the same Probs ... called like 5 times ... some people there can only speak DUTCH "niceone" and email no responding , anyone got a Hotel/Motel Phone Nr. in the near?
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