fps drop lotix timedemo

Got a friends comp recently and set it up noujzly. Or so I thought because I can never get good fps i ET. Running around by myself in small areas puts me at 200-300 fps like it should be but if I get to an open area with 3-4 guys in sight it drops as low as 60 and I cant figure out why.

I played a grush-pub and made a timedemo -> http://rapidshare.com/files/53806580/timedemoltx.dm_84.html

r_mode 4 with low low graphics: 121 fps
r_mode 6 with low low graphics: 122 fps
r_mode 8 with low low graphics: 122 fps
r_mode 8 with high high graphics: 122 fps

What does this tell you guys? And as I said I got 200+ in some areas but when there is action it drops to 60-70, thats why I get 122fps which Id love to have as long as it was stable.

Computer is a Intel P4 2.66Ghz, 1GB memory and a GeForce 6600GT 256MB.

If you want to try the timedemo just /timedemo 1 in console then /demo <name> or pick it from the list in demos.
geometric and texture detail
testing it
Get more memory imo :>

Or beter , might be some crap memory which lost performance ...
Specs? how many procces running? Try to raise fsb w/o rising mhz it could help
23 processes including etmin, memoptimizer, winamp and pnkbstrA
thats not much at all i guess your rams are running maby too low speed
memoptimizer is bullshit that screws shit up, dont use
/delete Winamp
/install foobar2k
You have sucky cpu , that's the problem . Et is one of the most cpu dependent games . And good memory with tight timings would help as well .
Expected p4 2.66ghz to be enough
Athlon 64 would have been better performance wise from that period cpu's , though some guys claim that Athlon's had some pb trouble . Can't you overclock your cpu ( if your friend allows ofc )
p4 suck, dont expect much
Athlon processors are way better than P4
i have 2500+ barton OC @ 2.25ghz, 768ram, 6600gt 256 and i can get stable 76/100 fps. Try to unistall that punkbustra with pbsvc or smth

and that cpu should be enough
I got 140fps on timedemo, but my fps also drops to 70-80 at some points.
that might be firefox fault try to uninstal it if u have it
how come..?
dont know... but i had similar problem ;D
You had fps-drops that dissapeared when you uninstalled firefox?
weird.. and uninstalling firefox helped:x?
yeah it helped... strange eh?:D
i always used highend cfg's, but if i use lowend theres no difference with my fps (89+/-).. blame firefox?
160 FPS @ 3360*1050, high settings (171.5 if I turn off hud). :)

It's obvious that the CPU is the limiting factor for you, but I'm a bit surprised that using low geometric details doesn't make any difference.
Yes since I get the same fps no matter what res and graphics I use it should be the cpu or the memory.
Yeah.. Have the same problem, got a AMD 2600 xp + ( overclocked a bit ) + GeForce 6600 GT 256MB and 512 MB of ram. And some newer games like Prey, Doom 3, Quake 4 etc.. run better then ET :!

Before i bought the GeForce 6600 GT i had a GeForce 4200 Titanium and i had the same fps as now. ET depends much more on the cpu and ram then on the graphic card.
might be a dumb question but isnt it cause you use com_maxfps 125? so that could be why all you results are around that number.
No I dont and maxfps isnt activated in timedemos, try it yourself.
try if its not already to set the priority as real time in task manager..
stable 125 fps on 1,6ghz athlon 512ddr and gf7600 [high settings]
lies, you don't have stable fps in a timedemo :P
Maybe he has a 125Hz CRT and r_swapinterval 1. ;p
well my specs are at my profile, playing with decent settings.
Getting high fps in more closed areas. 100-125 in the worst cases.
I had a drop down to 60 at the axis spawn, when u went out and there was this airstrike.

But i think i get those action drops aswell sometimes in 6vs6, when we are attcking from under the bridge, i get like 60 fps at times.
And im using p4 3.4gig.... So the cpu could be the limiting factor, but then so should it be at my comp, which seems odd to me
300.0 fps with my cfg (r_mode 4 and lowest possible details)
apperantly that doesnt matter to me, since I get the same fps on r_mode 4 with low graphics as I get on r_mode 8 with high graphics. :/
I remember trying out some timedemos half a year ago and sometimes I got even better fps with better graphics... also the resolution doesn't seem to affect anything either...

so kinda same experiences in here... I can run this with high graphs as well if u want :p ?
I have the exact same situation, the problem is that while your graphics card is good enough to have stable high fps even with high graphics settings, your CPU is definitely not. This just shows that those P4 CPUs are wayyy behind the video cards available at that time.

Note that changing any graphics settings will have little to no effect on your FPS, because that is all handled by the graphics card. Sadly, ET doesn't allow you to tweak any CPU usage related cvars. :(

Lowering your cg_fov might have a slight increasing effect on your fps.
I tell you if you do you know what.
188.8 FPS, my cfg.
322 fps

running ETQW at the same time
229fps with my old system, mwhaha :x
judging from the results, the processor is what limits your fps
with my old system : 41
I've got sth around ~ 30 fps while watching demos and ettv, also can't get stable 125 fps when playing. gpu: 7900gs 163.44 beta. Other games work just perfect and 3dmarks scores are also correct. Only q3 and et are problematic and seem to be choppy when compared to etqw doom3 or q4:X.

60fps in this time demo-_-
Any ideas?
(polish) co do ettv i dem - odpal wolfa wpisz /map supply, nastepnie juz po zaladowaniu mapy /connect i ip ettv lub /disconnect i wybierasz demo z demos i bedziesz mial tyle fpsów ile podczas normalnej gry - mialem dokladnie ten sam problem i rozwiazalem go w ten sposób :p mam dokladnie ta sama karte ;p
About 200 ish fps dropping to 180 at parts.
Around 220, drops to 160, average at the end = 141.1

Can get 125 stable in scrims anyway so idc much
Exactly how can you have ~220 fps with drops down to 160 and then recieve an average fps of 141.1?
NO idea i just saw that in the demo, opened console at end and it said that was the average
60-125 FPS

amd athlon XP 2800+
1024 DDR RAM
R9600 :<
134 fps with geforce 7900gs and pentium d 925 :<
going to buy c2d in few days ;p
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