spann3r busted x''o

I know he is a random lowbird and stuff but if you check is yawn he is still playing alot of wars and he was a cup admin lols :S and he faked or he is "fJAELLRAEVEN"

Crossfire Acc:

Yawn (pb guid registered as spann3r):

Other Yawn Entry:

Proof: Multihack / AImbot / WH (demo coz my pc is to slow for making avis :S)
junky maybe?
gj 1st :D
junyk fosho
make avi :/
get a real haircut! teh whole angel look went out long ago!!11
its not him he got guidspoofed
PBguid spoofed :o ? YawnRegister spoofed ? i dunno if thats possible ;P
i played often with spanner and he is not able to trickjump like this and spann3r's movement is completely different the way he writes there on the server is different too :o
could be :o
he changed his pb guid from 40e33302 to cdd363f0 and uses a unregistered account kk -.- then he switches to 40e33302 is registered again and than he uses this 73da4b9c pb guid and is unregistered
oh come on plz who switches the pb guid so often no one he got spoofed in my opinion i dont think someone like him needs bullshit like this
i change my PB guid quite often ... becoz i deleted my etkey everytime i got kicked from publics ... this pb guid switch is possible if he just used the old etkey again
she is not fjaellraeven
omg? look at this:

its not me, the pbguids are different and i'm reg. @ crossfire, the guy with the other pbguid not. I'm not a cheater >.<

btw. thx wodka for the help <3
nice try hasaki, fuckin noob..

wirklich lächerlich :(
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