Onestar MGC clan

Hey people,

Onestar gaming is a new multigaming clan. We are started today at 17.50 +1 GMT. We are looking for teams/players for the next games:

* Call of Duty
* Call of Duty 2 (all gtypes)
* Enemy Territory (6v6)

And more clans ofcourse. Our website is under construction and will come on the domain Also what we need is two more Management for the clan who got experience in it.

Something about the starters:

My name is knN (rl name Kenan) i played in H2k as CTF/HQ/TDM player. Im dutch and loyal and 17 years old. My school is ICT MultiMedia Design (aKa Game- Webdesign).

The other manager of the new clan is:

dASED (aKa Leon) he played ET over years we know each other in real life. This guy Haves realy good experience in Enemy Territory and is high skilled. Hes from The Netherlands same as me.
His school is Administration something ;p

The clan will search till we found teams. If someone is interested contact us at the bellow showed contacts.

If you are one player and allways wanted to get an team please contact and try to get an team. Also the mgc is for 16+ years old and need to be high skilled. We will play tournaments, Cups, Clanbase, and lots of more.

Contacts are:

Xfire: progamez
Hotmail: [email protected]
Msn: [email protected]

Xfire: serbrus
Hotmail: [email protected]

Thanks for reading!

With kind regards,
Management onestar-gaming.
good luck
stupid sheep i wanted to post 1st :< anywayz gl
Dont fuck with my best friend thx.
ur so cool, can i be like you? :$
What's so cool being a friend of someone or so?
i didnt say you were cool because you are somebodys friend
thx peeps ^^
Quoteneed to be atleast high skilled

didnt know you could be more skilled than high
wanted to comment the same; at least high, lol :D
I always wanted to be more than high.
haha, kind of :p
learn too use the Reply button ;)
Yes n1 0 days MGC clan. u will have have high skill clans pm'in you like crazy!
services that we are offering to the clans are more important than the time that we are members on, dont you agree?
edit: "u will have have high skill"
2 weeks, and what's your edit about?
nice original comment, keep it up
its about ur shitty english.
keep your useless flames to yourself, thanks
If you weren't a fuckin retard you might be able to understand the fuckin sentence.. "you will have high skill clans pm'in you like crazy!" you know sarcasm and all that jazz?

Fuckin spanners like you should be banned from the internets.
whats spanners?
if you mean SPAMMERS, you just need to stop replying:)
wayyyyy too much intellect 4me
ill just ignore you
ROFL no I meant SPANNERS..

hahahaha, now fuck off you dozy cunt.
makes sense, there should be more ppl like you.
ppl how are easy to make fun of, keep it 'em coming
MultigamingCLAN CLAN? (mgc clan*) ^^
Onestar, Cinestar
You failed making it a nice msg
dudes ull see ^^
hmm what do you offer lol
if enterested pm..
Ooh youre gonna play crossfire? cool! btw, how can i play here:ooooooooooo
please contact... we will talk about paying great teams to play for onestar ;)
"at least highskilled" =)

gl anyways
gl Keran
Keran? Kenan :p
You need to repair Your sarcasm detector sir :) Get use to random cf jokezz ^^
aii polish pro D:
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