rtcw :{D

ok looks like my last thread wasnt so good i give it another try. i wanna play rtcw again and active so i am in need of a active rtcw team or some players which are intrested in playing rtcw actively again. so if the still feel the power and got the time. give me a message.
Gl but RTCW is almost dead
kaazZ@homomaild dot si o dot ai el
3 years to late mate
lol 3 years :D
i dont got rtcw :(((((((((
i am so sad about it .. xD
don't be sad :*(
buy it for 4 euro's or download it and crack
thx you..
i have to download that
and install and than Can i play??
You can find torrents there.. That torrent file you have to download and open it with a program like "azureus". Another good site is www.thepiratebay.org
its never to late :G
tbh they say rtcw is dead since 2004
but still people play it :P

english will help u alot ^^ GL
nice smile :{D

et > rtcw tbh
i am pretty sure you never ever played rtcw in the good old times. rtcw > et and it will always be like this. just take a look at pbbans so i am pretty sure why you say et is better than rtcw. because to hack in et is much easier. so come back to rtcw guys :{{{

+ less cheats as in et
+ less bugs as in et
+ nicer community
- less kiddos
- less flame
<3 rockzor
go to warleagues.com and make a post there :)
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