O'Rly cless

im searching for a serious clan to play oc 6o6 , prefer 2dv.
ok now I will answer to ur questions

skill : around med+ like all
exp : i began to play in 2004 , u can see my clan history @ profile but is nothing to special
country : where is born the mafia , italy ofc
active : all the evenings
classes : prefer medic
english : my english suxx , but english language suxx so ok

contact Sir` @ #nf.it
Yes, your English suxx
but it's ok, he said.

SHEEZ cant anyone stop complaining some other peeps there language?????!!! not every one is perfect sheez, we maby cant talk good english but will giv u the hs's then ur quite! :S

GL itzamna !
read the topic and then ask urself, how serious can it be?
the others topic name was occupied and btw i tried to be original sozsoz :(
yeh blame the language
-.- thats low i want to see how you will write an topic whahah then were gonna laugh -.- or talk dutch if you dont know the language then we will blame u -.-
I know finnish, swedish and english, why do you expect I know dutch?
Sir gayazzo! gl
Do yOu waNt tO joIn On mY hIghSKilLEd cLan???

LinEuP :

you (medic)
are (medic)
highskill (engsmg)
and (rifle)
we (medic/fops)
all (medic/fops)
BELIEVE (medic)
IT (fops/engsmg)
who ever u are have fun and good luck finding a matching team!
random med +
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