Searchin some players for the upcoming Opencup Season and maybe more...

Because there are so much threads alà "i search a clan for oc" and stuff, we dediced to make a new team for the upcoming opencup season, and maybe for a longer time.

At the moment we are

image: ca/image: de gANg-D
image: de zisu
image: us/image: de frush
image: eu rifle! you?
image: eu fop! you?
image: eu engi! you?
image: eu medic! you?

What we can offer
- a lot of servers
- no homepage
- crazy talking in teamspeak
- stupid answers for stupid questions
- we can speak image: gb

What we are looking for
- one rifle engineer
- one smg engineer
- one fieldop
- some medics

About you
- active
- sunday - thursday 20-23cet if possible
- mature
- teamspeak/irc
- image: eu or smth like that
- no flamer or whiner in teamspeak, the only guy who can whine there is me :>

Because the signup closes at Sunday 23rd September we have pressure of time to create a new team.
So if you are interessted in this project - or have some questions about us - contact one of us three in irc #craZy

Also we are searchin one or two backup players.

We really hope, that we can could be able to have a team at the upcoming opencup season.
pics or it didnt happen
nuts on the road its a gather admin
Check your pms gaNg-D
good luck :-)
gL sweety ;)
Ich wär als backup player dabei
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