punkbuster .. again

pb keeps kicking me while playing et.
image: fehlerrz6

i allready searched in this forum and found some potential fixes.
but nothing helped...

i used the pbsetup.exe to completely reinstall pb after deleting it - did not help
i used pbsv.exe to reinstall the shit and get the following error:
image: punkcs2

pls help me or i have to call it a day in et :'(

edit: same problem @ et:qw demo

edit2: some clanmates said, that pnkbstra.exe starts the pnkbstrb.exe when you start et. this does not happen for me! after messing around with the tools above, i have the same error but with pnkbstrb.exe instead of pnkbstra.exe.

edit3: even format c: and a fresh installation of et did not work..
start -> ausführen -> msconfig eingeben -> dienste
pnkbstrA.exe samt pnkbstrB.exe aktivieren :)
does not work, the pnkbstrB.exe disappears from the list when i start et!
gl, but who the hell plays ET on a Friday evening anyways? Oh...wait...
we played together when i got kicked, retard!
ah, thats who!
delete whole pb folder and install pb again?
did it several times but did not fix the problem
google pbsvc.exe, download it, uninstall punkbuster and reinstall via the pbsvc.exe file
thats exactly the tool of the second screenshot, but it works now.
the test services dont show any errors either.
but when i start et pb still kicks me
-go Settings> Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services

find PnkBstrA.exe and PnkBbstrB.exe and "start" the services.

-go windows firewall (or ur firewall) and give them exceptions (or permissions) so that can have access over internet.

btw..u need to download them again...cause u got bad authetication.

hope i help
allready did it and the pnkbstra.exe and pnkbstrb.exe are in the permissions list of my firewall. i also tested it with a disabled firewall, does not work either..
the bad authentication problem is fixed, pbsvc.exe works fine without any errors now but i still cant play :(
do the first....sett>CP>AT>services...blabla.
did not work, but another format C did it =)
n1 selfbust
thanks for your answers, even if none could solve my problem.
but after formatting my harddrive 2times!(after the first one, the prob still occured) i can finally play again =)
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