The last "undressed" of the champion Colin Mc Rae.

Colin MCRae 1968 - 2007

Sunday 16th September 2007

Regarding yesterday’s helicopter crash at Jerviswood, Lanark, it has now been confirmed that there were four people, two adults and two young children on board.

Although a post mortem has still to take place, the four involved are believed to be:

Mr Colin McRae (39) of Jerviswood House and his son Johnny Gavin McRae, aged 5.

Ben Porcelli (6), of Cleghorn Road, Lanark, who had been over playing with Johnny, and family friend Graeme Duncan (37), of L’Ile Degaillot, Faycelles, France.

Chief Superintendent Tim Love, Divisional Commander, South Lanarkshire Division, said today:

“We believe that the group were just returning from a visit to the nearby village of Quarter around 1605 hours yesterday, when it appears that the helicopter got into difficulty and crashed within the grounds of Mr McRae’s family home.

“Our officers are working closely with the Air Accident Investigation Team who are presently at the scene.

“Family Liaison Officers have been appointed and are with the families to help them through this distressing and difficult time.”

all info ->

rip <3
No more colin mcraerallys:<
next game of Colin will be a "Colin MCRae flight simulator" :DDDDD

image: colinmcrae

[fin] Mitä Colin MCRae sano kun kaatui portaissa??

-kolin... kolin.... kolin....
This is funny , mean , stupid and retarded at the same time , finnish humour.
my humour :) as black as night in finland!
Well , firstly I smiled, but my brain understood that the guy crashed with his son and then my smile gone. :(
No can do. He was fucking good rally driver and stuff, can't deny.
FFS that is so fucking old thing, and you still post it here you fucking twat? Im glad he died, hated so much those stupid rally-games.
rest in peace

but still ari vatanen > mcrae
RIP Colin, may your Legacy live on!
hi2u al quaeda
yep.. Colin MCRae 2 was the bestest !!! i
wish u rest in peace ;'(
He was legend ;< R.I.P
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