A newbie looking for a 3on3 team!

Dear community,

I am looking for a team to play in the upcoming Open Cup Fall Season 2007 and other 3on3 cups as well!

I am:


-General skill level around low+ to med (well, low+ max really)
-Lots of 3on3 experience on lowskilled level =D
-Available most nights 19-22CET + weekends
-Like to whine sometimes but will act nice most of the time 8)
-Not much of a clanhistory, mostly random/unknown teams
-20 years young

What I'm looking for:

-A clan that will play Div. 3 or lower in the Open Cup and hopefully able to play together after that too
-Somewhat mature people, 16+ by preference
-Not complete nabjes in 3on3, should have a bit of experience

/q Skrya on Quakenet or PM me here!

Flame on etc.
Goodluck Peter
though I don't know you ... nice to be honest with your skills
hahah nice 1:D


I will have a talk with digimons they will take you

Goodluck again
gl whoever you are :D
gl skryabinistt
gl skrya :)
gl to you :)
Good luck 8)
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