weezel wants 2 play

hello i wanna post this here because i can't post this anywhere else!!!
is there any team at present that needs a 3rd player atm!!!
because im not that active but i usually play very late!!
and i wanna play some wars!!
so i can't say im avi al the time but this i can say!!

skill:??? dunno you guys gotta tell me
avi: mostly from 22.00 until 02.00 except tuesdays and wednesday then its sooner!!!!

pmme@ mirc: #m8d M8DWeezeL
since they all play ETQW and i don't like it that much!!
gl Russia WeeZeL =)
gl dude <333
cant u read?
gl WeeZeL!

All of the M8d guys are nice ppl, been around for ages and are definately clean !
woah ur still alive?
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