need 3rd?

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z3 l0w n3rd t4lk ..
wh3n c0m3 y0ur n3xt r3crum3nt sk1ll3d p0st?
i'm so low that you have to use my nick on your forum thread's topic lowskiller
talking to a mirror or something?
i thougt u??
ähhm.. btw. little haxer.. nice trailer
if you try "trialer+wallhack" = nice trough wall traking :P
lOw huSo
^^, talking to a mirror again?
member for 12 days.. and same etpro guid like rocky? hmmm
yawn says u play since 8 days? hmm
<e^beAsty> playing 5 days and HIGH+ sure

same guid as Rocky? Are you serious or i just used the nick when i was pubbing sometimes because RTCW servers were empty?
pls mate seriously, wtf?
the thing with "same guid as rocky" is wrong.
anyway u are a nice talent
getting high in 15 days on xfire and 8 days @ yawn.

Sent by d3aD on Friday 21st September 2007, 16:44
where is your problem? :< Did i said something unfriendly to you? :'o

• Reply to this message

no but i´m unfriendly to the most hackers.. or every hacker?

maybe give us your nice rtcw nick so we will check it in yawn and look for the ip´s.
hmm, people warned me some retards are on that site now i am happy i met the first one :PP, just because you didnt had higgehst damage in a gather. if you are so smart you know i played rtcw before? yawn: d3adshot and you will see, sorry that rtcw and et is like nearly the same game. and i play for 1 year or something now but never quite actively + i am sure my yawn is older than 8 days. And now relax dude weekend is incomming <:

Quotemaybe give us your nice rtcw nick so we will check it in yawn and look for the ip´s.
check for d3adshot

Quotemember for 12 days.. and same etpro guid like rocky?

better do your homework more carefully

Quotethe thing with "same guid as rocky" is wrong.

joking? or .. :o

Quoteanyway u are a nice talent

if you say so! THANKS

Quotegetting high in 15 days on xfire and 8 days @ yawn.

well, so its all about the xfire? its a community for bored and maybe some menthal retarded persons. so i dont really get that point.
oh nice u played rtcw.. 2 years ago ?
and now u are back in ET and high ? :/
strange thing .. u play 1 year rtcw. then 2 years nothing. now 8 days ET and high ?

and yes the fact that u had around 500 dmg more than me (and i played axis) is very strange for a guy who palys ET for 8 days.

RTCW yawn
ET yawn

@edit: and tbh its not sure that u rly were d3adschot
@edit2: i already said i was wrong with the "same gud as rocky" u dont need to copy it 5 more times

better go back to school you cant even count, man seriously
lets wait for the ip-check and maybe i will stfu than
@edit: btw u didnt played for a half-year.. mhh nice to stil be high
whatever i will leave now, bye
ololololol beAsty lass mal die random nubs ;)
i er lidt rå herinde.
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