Doz is looking for clan

Hello folks.

After playing several months in a funteam, I've decided to join up with some better guys.

- I'm 16 years old, but mature.
- I'm from Denmark, but can I handle English quite well.
- I have played ET since the beginning, and I've played RTCW as well.
- I really don't have much time, but I'm able to play in the weekends, and in some evenings on the working days.
- Unfortunately I have no microphone, it's broken.

I would like a small clan, which is active in 3on3's - Maybe CB ladder. It is important, that the clan has teamwork. I suppose my skill is around low+/med, but I'm a good teamplayer.

Thanks for looking up :-)
get yourself a new microphone
comms are more important then you low+ aim
Yeah, you're absolutely right siL.

But there's low+/med funclans out there as well.

I might buy a new microphone, but I am on a tight budget, since my interest in photography requires me to purchase some relatively expensive equipment.
5 euros too much for you heh? =)
problably :S
Please remember that I'm looking for a clan, so please leave stupid comments out of here.

- Cheers.

and stfu kartosje tnx
Cheers mate :) <3
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gl, nice guy :)
I can play, yo.
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