GLITz to 3vs3 OC Premier - HACKER PREFFERED.

image: omg2


This is a topic of forming a basicly new squad to GLITz for 3vs3 OpenCup Premier.
GLITz has so far mostly played with the lineup of:
Estonia CLAIMAXz
Estonia Fierro
Estonia EmeRica
Finland Metsuri

Since Fierro and EmeRica are going to play the 3vs3 OC with Europe overdose, I decided to make a new team with what we want to go to Premier.
So far it's :
Poland Lest
Finland Metsuri
Europe ?
Estonia CLAIMAXz (uberbackup/manager)

What we can offer -
>> Skilled members, tax.
>> An experienced team that has been around since December 2006.
>> A gameserver and ventrilo.
>> Highly active on Cups, ladders.
>> Nice comms, sense of humor.
>> Hopefully good results in OC Premier.

What we expect from you -
>> Decent skill around med+/high (not crossfire med+).
>> No brainbugging (if you are drunk, don't play, hi2u Finland Metsuri).
>> Being active.
>> Atleast 16 years of age.
>> Experience in 3vs3.
>> Nice comms, english.
>> Hackers preffered, since we need a pwnz0r not just a good player.

So please whine off about me not being med/high since I wont play in the team anyway, more of a manager type.

So that's about it, if you have some questions, just PM ProXr|CLAIMAXz or auth`ab\Lest @ Qnet - #GLITz

(14:44:39) (auth`ab\Lest) so add this: hacker prefered
(14:44:42) (auth`ab\Lest) to the topic
(14:44:51) (auth`ab\Lest) coz need pwnzor not just a good player

#GLITz @ Qnet
good luck :P
gl m8 :D
CLAIMAXz, most ego player ever
never played with you, never played against you, I don't know what you are talking about.
egoquit @ second round @ 2on2 offi
team pkkp we beat last night?
take me !
ok <3
prepare to pwn!
I was born ready !
claimaxz @ premier =D keep on dreaming
So please whine off about me not being med/high since I wont play in the team anyway, more of a manager type.

+ I have played vs your team 2 times and both won so I wouldn't be so cocky.
+ u have played vs my team like 20 times and u have won 2 times. nice ego
vs centuria and we didnt play as a team back then tbh, was a mixclan.
same team so what does it matter + 3on3 is only mix + serious 3on3 sucks ass
hahahah :^D
gl titty
Are you kidding me? Even I owned you guys.
well if you read abit you will see we are forming a new team.
But don't you think oc 1st isn't a bit to high?
Not with the lineup we are forming, remember, I'm not playing.
ur flag sux.
GO AWAY wnb flag stealer est clanmember newb
gluck :o
thats cause finns are laggers
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