but it can be used as a classic wallhack, and a mismatch can also mean you do not have the orginial md5 checksum.

Regarding the bans, they dont check wrong sums, so bb2u :<
so your saying its not cheat related?
no he is saying bb2u, so he means it's cheat
i say it is, cause he does not have the needed md5 checksum - clearly
the last engrish line made it confusing
pbbans / punksbusted do net check for wrong checksums
In this case the MD5Tool process checks for the existence of any such file, not the checksum. Effectively this means Kito had the file, which is cheat related, in of his folders.
mh, wasn't there another way to check a given checksum or was this just for lua scripts? o:
Sure, the MD5Tool is capable of checking the checksum of for instance pak0.pk3 to see if it has been altered. It provides an additional "option" to check for the existence of files, but inadvertently labels it as a mismatch.

QuoteThere are two special cases. First, if a filename is specified that does not exist, the MD5Tool utility program will output a line that ends with "NOT_FOUND". This may be useful to admins who want to make sure that players do not have a file with a specific name. For example, in Quake3, it may be useful to know that players do not have a baseq3/pak9.pk3 file.

2nd page nexus and sc_aim 1 ....
joa ^^ nexus = old und sc_aim 1 is der geilste hack ever =D den musste dir ma holn
I dont know where the difference is between using a old hack and a new one, and sc_aim is a cvar from a aimbot, if you try to hack dont use publics pls , but okay you were/are in sad with nobrain who wonders.
sc_aim hab ich aus na cfg und nexus=old meinte ich vonwegen das das lange her ist
np lowbird
go play with ya wet pussy :X
gl mieght!
omg nich wahr kito???
... :x
old. ôo
kito kann eh viel besser movies machen :(
retarded bust once again. bb
nono, kito my newest clan-m8. y u could not stop making vids..... ;) but nevermind, i dont care. if u bust him, u have to bust all the gamers out there using the video-making-hax.... gg to all the wnb busters!

@kito: heut abend train geht klar, ne!? :) denne können wir ja noch ma in ruhe labern.
You just made a selfbust. I pitty you :< And I agree lets ban everyone in et :D
kito isch liebe disch! [Gär]
gg movie mod ?
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