
After getting raped again on yesterdays prac. 5on6 vs FearFactory and me on higgehst damage like always. No sound on comms nobody wants to play/talk/win ingame. So its time to say goodbye Europe re-play. i am searching for a better team than re-play. language doesnt matter (english pref). so if you are in need of a 6th or 3rd player pm in #re-play. I also play for #pigskin or played actually i dont know :D. so hopefully you will invite me for a testgame.
greets Japan d3aDshoT :O) cu soon!

- med / + ( test me! )
Austria beAsty called me HIGH+ (:pp)
- experienced player
- non whiner
- M / LE
- german/english speaking

rtcw:Europe hG, United Kingdom affray, Europe pt'fps, England iwG
et: Europe re-play, Sweden pigskin, United States of America pb

I can't see you in either channel...
offline atm
higgehst damage like always gg angeber :D
QuoteAfter getting raped again on yesterdays prac. 5on6 vs FearFactory and me on higgehst damage like always.

nice ego never heard highskill
Thats not nice fobje :<
wanna eat with me some sandwichs ?

image: eat
Nah i just ate, thx anyway =)
you need e-food ! trust me , it's important !
ur so meany ,weEEEE :-DDD

u wont get my gl becuz ur ego is alrdy 2 much ;o
rofl another unknown highskilled ...
is he known? ôo
Member For: 18 days
No, but I'm sick of that bullshit. Unknown people can be skilled as well. (Btw, he didn't say he was highskilled..)
being unknown wnb highskillor cheater is cool
for everyone here who said "unknwon highskillor"

i never said i am highskilled :8((
Well, at least you have a HIGH ping, since you are from JAPAN n stuff!

Gl :) You played well againts us yesterday.
i dislike you tagstealer <3 wp though :D
'alloo junky >D gl
ur like next highego boy and u won't find a decent clan for months cuz every next will be toolowforya
if you compare your skill to re-play's then YES
ET is dead anyways :/
rofl sone witzfigur...

warst schon noname in rtcw und wirst auch immer noname in et bleiben junge also von daher mach ma nich so einen auf digge hose hier
du warst known in rtcw wirst es in et aber niemals werden. nice wie du dein wahres Gesicht mal zeigst im Ventrilo nicht mal die Schnute aufkriegen und hier auf große Trommel machen. Du bist die Witzfigur. Ich mein tut mir leid wenn ich in einem Clan spiele verlange ich schon das bisschen angesagt wird bzw. kommuniziert wird aber naja dann kann ich auch genauso gut pub spielen. Ich hab niemals gesagt ich sei "highskilled" oder der "owner" aber es tut mir leid wenn es nur mal der Wahrheit entspricht, dass ich seitdem ich bei re-play spiele, jeden War die meiste Damage hatte, obwohl ich die meiste Zeit Eng/Smg gespielt habe und auf die Medics warten musste und gegibbt wurde, weil keiner euer skillten Medics auch nur ansatzweiße einen Strafejump auf die Reihe kriegt. Und wenn du mir irgendwas zu sagen hast, lass uns das doch bitte unter 4 Augen bzw. 4 Ohren klären ;)
rofl geiler typ echt an deiner stelle würd ich mir ma nen psychologen suchen den du zulabern kannst :x
image: beztytuuds3 thx Lio ^_^
i just talked about re-play :PPP
Quote I also play for #pigskin or played actually i dont know :D

id say u dont play for us cos i havent played with u, only against :)
and ur not even in the channnel :d
hmm hi cheater. didn´t we already talked about u? yawn says u play since 20 days or smth.. highskill 4 sure !
and in rtcw (if this was your real rtcw yawn) u didnt played for more than 6 months. highskill !
this just shows you didnt went to school for some time.

Nick PB Guid Last Seen
killa 72554825 2007/09/20 Player Details...
D E A D <.. 72554825 2005/08/15 Player Details...

Quote by beatsyu didnt played for more than 6 months.

i am supossed to lol?
u ar ethe biggest idiot on earth
firsttime ET: 15.09.2007
hello !

and here for your rtcw:

and than

yes 6 months. lol about your face or smth bot not about the truth
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