Spektr searching

I'm searching team for EC or OC .

I also just need a stabile team, either 6v6 or 3v3. (3v3 preff)

Anyone interested in tryin me, pmme here or in #wsf.et / #nordLyset

ps. I'll be home from school at 15:00 CET ;]


EDIT: skill around med+ (atleast in 3v3 it is) , but screw Crossfire skill rating, try me.
EC is a bit to high for you, but gl finding an OC-clan :)
Looking at some of the teams or should I say mixes that say they will attend, then I don't think EC is too high for me, and then you've never played with or against me :)
but I won't be rude to you man, thx for the gl.

EDIT: ok you have, I didn't know it was you. But we'll see man, maybe I will be in EC :)
Manye teams will attend EC but will fail in the first qualifier round or something like that.

Anyway, GL in your search.
Nu har du vel ikke fået flere nye etpro guids "med history" af pb vel? dit lille fucking luderbarn!
Du lidt for sej til dig selv, er du ikke?
u can play rifle? XD
ya not that well tho, tbh :p i preff smg
Jo... og jeg ka se du har gemt et par comebacks fra børnehaven...
played 1daycup with him, zomg he pwnz take him :D
gl blaz3r's little brother :D
lol pure idiot
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