Artificial recruiting >:|

After we won the OC premier league and WL alpha, our players NetherlandsPLU172 and Netherlandsaemkei decided they wanted to reform their own clan sD again, so we recruited Belgiumsnot. But snot didn't feel really comfortable between all the dutchies. After he heard their was going to be a BE only team, he joined it with dNzl. So after we lost our only belgian owner Belgiumsnot, we are looking for another person to take over his position.
We want:

-Communication. Don't be afraid to speak, we won't bite!
-A nice guy that fits in the team, that means we like you and you like us.
-And the usual stuff about highskillz and teamplay.
-We speak mostly dutch on ventrilo

What can you expect:

-Lots of fun on ventrilo!!!!
-We usually only play mid+/highskilled teams
-You get a bnc and stuff.

We are currently aiming for the EC. If anyone of you is interested in joining but leaving after 2 weeks, don't even try to contact us. With this lineup, we have been playing for almost 2.5 years together now, but because of work , some of us work at the same company (read: Supermarket), play football (in the same team LoL ),
so thats why we are looking for 1, maybe 2 players:

Current line up:


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