[Busted] Bakkus

^5W^3H^6O ^7bakkus

ETPRO Guid: 7288188E4A579846C918FD5A955CDA2FA81534D2

PB Guid: 11df1256caf1467bfbae2b7f2d621578

YAWN: http://yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn?gamecode=ET&etproGuid=7288188E4A579846C918FD5A955CDA2FA81534D2

YAWN User: http://yawn.be/userDetails.yawn?userid=5181

Clanbase Profile: http://clanbase.ggl.com/personinfo.php?pid=5455278


#1: http://elitepicturehost.com/viewpbss.php?code=729d535da60dc44f1d454d8c1796f7b6

#2: http://elitepicturehost.com/viewpic.php?code=9d4053863f523cf8e6afcebb09a7aafc

The map is supply and he have pbss faked for braundorf (2pbss for 2 ;D - also he faked "loading map pbss" on braundorf showing braundorf)

Bulld0g take him down, please.

EDIT: Find him on #rca as bakkus (@)
learn play first :) nwb

bakkus is 100% clean i'm sure
This is pbss blocker, hiding the fact he is clean ? k bb.
bakkus est pas comme toi wnb ;) pas besoin d'avoir un cheat quand on sais play! pbs buger ;) et c'est pas le seul a avoir ;) bb

leave ET on a pas besoin de mec comme toi!
Ahaha, très drôle venant d'un xover ou pas mal de joueurs sont des utilisateurs d'etBot.
ske tu dit ne m'atteint vraiment pas j'utilise pas de bot chui pas un wnb comme toi! aller sort d'ET des joueurs comme toi on en a pas besoin ;)
you are 100% sure that he doesn't cheat? u haven't proven urself either, newskooler ;s
you gotta be kidding me
get skill
ufoleet , may we have your screen firstly , cause you are probably more user of hack than the poor bakkus...
For bust a man , be sure that there is not a bug of the pbscreener.
Poor random noobie
Tbh, I've already seen some pb_ss with 'loading map' stuff, and I've been told from cheatbuster community that it can be a bug

We'll see with bakkus appeal with pbbans, but after speaking to him, I trully believe that he'll be able to demonstrate that it's a bug
so ufoleet , before sayin "ban " please remove your account to this site and go in a cage for one year
yes kal good idea !

see demo , see skill...take time to be sure before speeking too fast
pbss bug is a proof of nothing
other peoples have the same bugs...(funny bug i agree)
perhaps tomorrow it would be your turn :)
Hmm. Maybe you'll never believe me, but it's really a bug. Same kind of pbss yesterday... Can't explain the reason, but i ve never dl hax or kind of pbss blocker. So i will try to show you that it is just a fu**ing bug.

''The map is supply and he have pbss faked for braundorf '' Maybe because we play braundorf just before.

P.S. I ve got the demos.
Thats a PBSS is hax for sure, Says supply, and its loading braundorf.

What is this world coming to :(
Lol... Maybe you re a specialist about the working of punkbuster!?
So i don t care about what you think. It's a bug. That what i know.
Can't be a bug.
Suck it to him!
Never seen that bug before in my life, speacially twice :<
Good evidence......
It's IMPOSSIBLE for the serv to take a screenshot when you are in connecting.
And here, two screens on SUPPLY, two loading screen of b4....
Yes. You know what you are talking about :) . Do you really think, if i have pbss blocker, i will fake with a pbss like this?!
I think pbbss blocker can do better atm!
I can not prove that is a bug right now, but you can't prove that it isn't. Even with your knowledge of cheating.
So bye.
HAHAHAH BUSTED HAAAAAAAHAAA, please more retarded comments
Enough with yours
Lol, ofc that we can prove it's a blocker, because...it is.
Dl other pbss blocker... I guess noone ban's you so you've got chance.... >.> "Ups i shoot behind wall ! Geez bug!" Xd
is this boumbo the REAL BIG BUSTED CHEATER from dream who post comments here ?
I can't believe that you still going on this site. You have not understand but : BOUMBO : change your life , you are not welcome on this site and on all the enemy territory site...
Maybe there is a place for you on the sim's forum...
bye noobie wallhacker
Nice reply skills first.
Bon sinon on parle pas de moi mais des lolpbss de ton keuping, jusqu'à preuve du contraire c'est du blocker. Je ne demande qu'a me tromper, et j'espere que tu sera capable de me prouver que j'ai tord (j'en doute vu avec quelle aisance grammaticale tu réponds sur les posts).
Donc à part pour me donner des preuves, merci de ne plus m'importuner.

Ps: J'ai pas besoin de ton avis pour fréquenter tel ou tel site, occupe toi plutôt de trouver un meilleur blocker a ton collègue.

Ah hé oui, tu vois je wh tellement que je ne suis banni de nul part, erf.
Tu connais meme pas bakkus et tu viens ramener ta fraise de busted dans ce post. Ton avis , on s'en fout , donc va promener ton cheat et lache nous la grappe...
Nous on sais que bakkus ne cheat pas parce qu'on joue avec depuis 3 ans et ya qu'à le spec pour le savoir. C'est pas parce que tu es un frustré que tout le monde est comme toi. Il y a encore des personne clean sur ET , que ça te plaise ou non ...
Et va jouer aux sim's s'il te plait , merci ...
ps : j'espere que t'es pas en train d'essayer de nous faire croire que tu es clean ...
Bakkus, cheater? LOL? Vous l'avez jamais spec ou quoi? O_o

bakkus c'est le mec qui a 25% d'accu @ smg :(

Boumbo tu parles de xOver l'ex team d'ext mais c'est pas ton ex team , les dreams qui a 46.000 busted? :]

wait and see ;<
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