Warbell - etpromapscript available / seeking feedback

Hi guys,

lets cover 2 things with one thread:

First: I m still looking for feedback on the matches played on Warbell, prefereably by the clans that played it or pracced on it. Also I m still missing some demos, especially the ones of the oC games. Since there will only be a TE version based on a lot of constructive feedback to get a sound base of information for it, this is your chance.

(Sidenote: I m not interested in feedback by clans that didn't prac it, played it, and got screwed over for not knowing the map... I know you blame the map so go whine somewhere else.)

Here come 2 etpromapscripts for Warbell for you server admins to modify Warbell if you like to.
While mapscript I is aimed at servers that are more for highskill players or frequented by competition gamers, mapscript II is for servers that experienced that there was too much full holds because the belltower constructible was too easy to defend.

Mapscript I
- restricts the access to the roof room at the belltower constructible (see pic) to make defense up there a lot more vulnerable to explosives and to get rid of the massive backshooting that engies experienced a lot
- sets allied spawntime to 25s instead of 20s giving the attackers another 5s of travel time advantage
- makes the bellmechanism buildable with 1 engie chargebar (instead of 1.5), which makes the construction a lot faster
- removes the wait at the mapend: map is won right after the 3rd sacrifice (Der'Saidin from GA league from downunder suggested this)

Mapscript II
- restricts the access to the roof room at the belltower constructible (see pic) to make defense up there a lot more vulnerable to explosives and to get rid of the massive backshooting that engies experienced a lot
- adds an ammocrate at the command post when its built by Axis
- features the original spawntimes (15/20)

If any admin wants just the ammo at the command post and no blocking of the roof room, let me know.


how to install
download the zip you want, unzip anywhere
rename the warbell_scriptfix_XX.script to warbell.script
upload to the folder etpro/etpromapscripts
you need to enable etpromapscripts and set the folder in your etconfig.cfg of etpro

image: warbell_scriptfix_cpammo

image: warbell_scriptfix_tower
And, yea i know barrels look out of place, but they were the most applicable model in ET for that job.
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