Searching Med/+ team

Hello iam: Frits :)

about myself

- nick eroKs
- xfire koudepils
- mIRC always @ quakenet #artline or #clanless-et /q eroKs
- Skill med/+
- very active
- yawn: red cfg fault can talk about it :< (cvar aim_2) No cb ban ETC
- exclans mindhunterz,sF,aBE gaming (not knowns clans)
- age 15 (can be funny but in game serious)

about you

- serious clan + active
- skill med/+
- dutch/english clan
- mature (when we play)
- ET server
- Vent / TS
- mature (when we play) :D
tjah GL isnt med/+ a bit to high?;o
indeed, thats too high for him :(
everyone and every clan is med+/high
u suck
- age 15 (can be funny but in game serious)

u failed
Lol failed je kent me niet eens gL 1 of 2x met elkaar gespeeld en tegen elkaar
U just prove my point
i accept but you even dont know me :<
You have been banned from crossfire.
Reason: Too Serious
- yawn: red cfg fault can talk about it :< (cvar aim_2) No cb ban ETC

lawl :D
- exclans mindhunterz,sF,aBE gaming (not knowns clans)

2 unknown noname random shitty crappy newbteams but med+ kk
med/+ gL
maybe its to high but you need a clan where you can get experience, and where you learn something and shootje+ capu + ensam+ koek if i know you, you may have a point of view.
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