team VagrantS is looking for a skilled rifle

Here we go again, VgS needs a skilled rifle. We dont need any other classes or backups.

Current lineup looks like this:

Italy SuPrEmO (cl)
Italy dan
Italy Stevji
Italy w1cky
Italy Hold3n
Anonymous ?

Italy H4nS
Italy Iceman

to apply, you U MUST...
- ... be available to play 9-23.30 cet from Monday to Friday
- ... not have been busted
- ... have been playing on HIGH level

We are probably going to play in OC Premier or 2nd league, atleast for this season

We will speak italian while playing, so if you are able to do it too we would appreciate ;)

/q SuPrEmO @ #vagrants

and yes, i just did a copy/paste of last recruitment thread :|
good luck
gl italiano's
you got H4nS & Icem4n why recruit? :s
they play as backup cause of no-time
gl dan <3!
omg _M remember me :**
hi unhitables!
gl SuPre
gl supre
gl to all except holden :<
OC premier or 2nd league is very HIGHSKILLED
best of luck
pizza pizza pizzaa !spaghetti ! pizza !
stevji and wicky, what skill am i if u are high? =P godlike?
U're just whining becouse u lost a 2on2 offi thx to your friend who had "cfg" problems. And btw in supply where we had double full hold, u did't appeared godlike skilled. So pls dond't spam in this recruitmnt 3d.
well imo im kinda godliked if i have ~7200k dmg and u have ~4500dmg :D, and btw YOU where the whiners in the game :D, like who the fuck are u? fucking cheater, nice huminized... :D
stop the flame pls. if u want u can challenge me in #ji-had @ qnet
ma chi è sta gente? sono puliti almeno?
gl SuPrE
secondo te so zozzi?
tutti gli unknowns sono zozzi!
expect the unexpectable expectabled predictable locked speclocked
I'm avi as skilled rifle.
Gl Ireland danii
im not danone sheep

im dan ex n1ce -.-
stai parlando di me blizz ?
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