open cup

loled about groups
random lottery or what?
in 3rd div there are better teams then in 2nd and 1st

for example IMO from 3rd serenity,nyja,fyantic,allZ should play in 2nd
nonames,grave,onis,FWC go out from 2nd (low+ polish wnbs)

fu if you dont care & love to the rest
yeah its pretty random :X
who the fuck r u ?
gtfo if you have nothing more to say
who the fuck r u ?
and you are?

oo you have nice profile,
Member For: 1 year, 11 months and 22 days

wow you must be high skilled fosho,and probably really known... im sure you tell your mom about your every clanmatch wow so pro

you can add me as buddy
no, i won't add u as a buddy

and im here 3 times longer than you

and im telling your mom in bed about every match ive played
you dont know how long im here and stop spamming my inbox about adding as buddy ,just do it(then you wull be high + and really really known)

and talking shit about parents is really weak
"talking shit about parents"

you started

"you dont know how long im here"

Member For: 6 months and 11 days

"stop spamming my inbox about adding as buddy ,just do it(then you wull be high + and really really known)"

you wish
Buddylist (Add as Buddy, Send a PM)
No buddies.

No clans.
zemo - the new extreme version of an emo without friends and without organisations
i got a clan if you want to know,but im not looking for a friends and clans here,and i dont care about my profile...
for example IMO from 3rd serenity,nyja,fyantic,allZ should play in 2nd
nonames,grave,onis,FWC go out from 2nd (low+ polish wnbs)

PortugalxLy > all and came from 2nd to 3rd dunno why
hm, nice, and we (fayntic) have to play them, how are they? :O
why the hell is JOTE in premier omg ;(
yeah the cbadmins are godlike and know every fucking team there is
i think the fault isnt from the admins but mostly from the teams that dunno how to self evaluate
sure they arent but,there should be some better way to choose the groups
at least thats what they want to make us believe ;o
a reasonable cb admin should know what teams should belong in prem , 1st div and 2nd division, the rest he can write them on a peace of paper and cut it into pieces and trow it in the air with division spots on the ground
sry, but my clan (grave) was only ranked on 6, so i don't know if we are wnbs ;/
serenity doesnt even have a team yet so 3rd devision is good enough!
if zmo says that, than u have to be in 3rd! he knows everything!
i said its just and only MY OPINION and im sure even if they arent active so much they still can pown teams like example:grave
lol i said they didnt have a team ! So they arent just inactive they arent playing at all.... with 1 man vs 6 its hard to pwn grave or some1 !
i saw their members at cb...thats why i take them for my example.

but im sure they/he still can >>grave
i'm sure too, thx that u agree with me :D
and grave was our previous lineup, now try to call us eCrew not to misunderstand that our lineup is now a bit changed
your lineup is fucked up... gg having ex sT player...
hmm..i'm not complaining...and if u were more precise u would know that we have 2 ex sT players, but not from that oldest squad
i know u sawa that ;) !
4 of the sereNity players joined OVERLOAd and I dont have the motivation to create a team AGAIN. so sereNity might aswell be removed since we are not going to attend OC.
When I was in grave we were super ultra cool. Now they are not so cool as they used to be (because there is no me, aDman, hitsu, shog or sosn4 now). Yeeee, my ego is high of course!

And they are not low+, lol. KOT3K is a freakin' good rifle and he alone can keep a team on a higher level than low+.

So please- if you have no info about the teams you've mentioned and you say they are low+ just because they are Polish- go and die.
KOT3K isn't good rifle... hes like uber hax rnader, and great lotto-garand/k43 shooter :]
I bet you are belgian
Prosperity and Beauty in (3on3) 2nd div. even though we have:

1 cheater EC winner (perfoferia)
1 cheater EC player (mikkorator)
2 random cheaters (noctirator & tapsaferia)

and I even put 'we are the best' on signup note.
what a shame...
grave deserse that 2nd div spot !
i'm wondering why TTD is in 3rd ;/
so do I !!!,but grave deserves that 2nd div spot !
same as TTD, cheer for 2nd year :D
hihi cheer ! :)
need 6th & 7th league !!!
grave is shit now[coz I, Lukey the jew, shog teh lagg3r, and sosna aka whine aren't playing there] but they deserve to play in 2nd league...

btw. zmo
image: 480px-Emo-bullshit
please you are really whining to whine ... If you could to it better make them yourself, retard
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