Cordless mx518

After long relationship with my mx518 it finally stop working during 3on3 match after 2 months of random disconnected.

My first guess was that there is problem with the cord so opened it and fixed it
with 1337 skills.

image: img0375gq5

Plugged in the usb cable and everything worked, except one little problem, while i was fixing the cord, the mouse wheel got off the mouse, and suddenly i have 4 pieces of the mousewheel that i have no idea what to do with them, it would be ok for few days without mouse wheel, but the problem is that my mouse1 button doesn't work as well because of that, it somehow controls on that too.

image: img0381dx4

So if someone know how to get the wheel back into the mouse that will fix mouse1 and mouse3 i will give him a nice kiss :P

*edit: fixed + everything works great, just saved 30$ that i can spend on poker :)
use 1337playback skills
buy new one :)
haha I had to figure that 1 too, with my old 510. But eventually I got it back in properly!
the thingy with the curl on the side of the wheel, the thingy with the angles on/in the other black part you got there, which should fit on a certain spot in your mouse xD. Man Iw as glad I had it done, I was not gonna reopen to check it out 2 times!

The angle thingy shoulb make your mouse wheel go clickclick, there is a curved part on your wheel which can do that, as long as it makes contact with that metal thingy with the angles (not the curled 1)

Man it's hard to recall how I did it, but even harder to explain. :<
lol, i'll try few things :)
ah the curly 1 makes your mousewheel go click, the other 1 makes your mouse1 work.. Check hot to attach the curled 1 to your mousewheel. (sorry this is confusing :d)
had exactly the same problem with my mx518 :DDDDDDD

now im getting random disconnects with my g5 :[
i just updated and disconnecting stopped ! :d.d:d
do i have to send the broken one back?
why are you unbanned? :x
Now you are on their black list!
here are the facts:
-no one will help you (cos u are laggy person and u dont wanna gimme ur sisters number)
-u cant expect here anyting expect some wnb 1337 post from some kiddies who thinks he is funny and that he is better than u
-anyway buy a new mouse or better yet if u have a varranty but form seening that pics i think not
-if u cant afford a new mouse play with with a normal mouse till u get enough money for it

arent u playing that lotto poker ?! and arent u a lucky bastard ?! /idea?
lol, i think it's a sign from god to stop playing et.

I haven't played et for a month, then was bored and lost too much on poker so i decided to play quick 3ojn3, and then it happaned :)

btw where are you?
join m4st4 channel
i think u got it wrong. its a sign that u are a weak and u need a new weapon in online gaming , like mx518 ( +33% lotto with nades) and some icemat (+ 10% speed) or just a dildo (+70% anal problems)

just bought that last thing and u will know why are the so many spammers on xfire
I finally realized you are way more g33k than i am!
I managed to fix the wheel on my 310 (it's exactly the same wheel), but I cant explain how to do it :)))
you must be some kind of engineer
ex future engi.

put them down ur japs eye
don't be so retarted to open your mouse if you don't know anything about the hardware inside :s you're really dumb, go to a shop and let them repair if you still have warranty, otherwise just buy a new one :DD I LOLLED
1. My warranty expired

2. Even if i had a warranty it would take up to 2 weeks for a fix.

3. Going to some random store to ask for fix will cost money.

4. Why wait even 1 day for someone to fix it if you can fix it yourself? I opened and after an hour i had 100% working mouse, that works even better than before.
yeah now it works, you edited your journal buttface
Can i send you my broken one? :)

Nice work mate.
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