Overclocking - Intel®

Overclocking – Intel: Pentium 4, D, M, Core Solo, Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Extreme and Celeron D

image: intelp4mb8 image: intelp4extremepj2
image: intelcoreduolu0 image: intelcore2duoke5 image: intelcore2extremesw0
image: intelcelerondmk5


Prime95 or HERE or HERE


Bigger overclocking is only possible with good cooling. So get a better CPU-FAN or even a watercooling.

First you have to find out your max Vcore. Here you can find them. Check also your max. Temperature which is also shown at the Intel Spec Finder (link above “Here” xD).


The first you have to know is:

CPU-clock = FSB*CPU-multi FSB (Front Side Bus)

RAM-clock = FSB/RAM-dividend*RAM-divisor


e.g. ¾ 3 = dividend, 4 = divisor


What we’ll do at overclocking is to raise the FSB to get a bigger clockspeed.
You can also raise the CPU-multi but this is only possible at the Extreme Editions.

Front Side Bus

Often the FSB is denoted at the fourfold speed because it is “Quadpumped” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Front_side_bus).
But you have to calculate with these numbers.

133MHz = P D 805; Celeron D;
166MHz = C2D T5x00; C2D T7x00; Alle Core Solo und Core Duo;
200MHz = P 4 5x0; P 4 6x0; P D 8x0; P D 9x0; Core 2 Duo E 4x00
266MHz = Core 2 Duo E6x00
333MHz = Core 2 Duo E6x50, Core 2 Extreme QX6850, QX9650

There are a lot of differences on the M Series. So plz have a look http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentium_M]HERE[/url]


You get the multiple with the calculation at the top (CPU-clock = FSB*CPU-multi).

Intel® Core 2 Duo E6850 Conroe
Clock = 3.0 GHz
333MHz*9 = 3000MHz

cause: 1333MHz (FSB) / 4 = 333MHz
multi: 9x both @ CPU-Z

image: ramdividerju1

There is also an 1:1 divider. FSB and RAM-Clock are running synchronal then.

e.g. 266MHz/2*3 = 400MHz

It’s just 400MHz because DDR2 is sending 2 data packets per cycle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_data_rate).

How to input the RAM-divider will be shown at the overclocking part.

Something special:

• There is no smaller divider as 1:1 at the 956 chipset
• At the 650i/680i/780i chipset you can choose “unlinked”. Now there is no coherency between the FSB and the RAM. If it’s set to unlinked you can set the MHz optional.


1. Lock the VCore at the BIOS.

2. Set following @ the BIOS, too:

• PCI-Clock: 33MHz
• PCI-E Clock: 100MHz (66MHz @ AGP)
• RAM-Clock/RAM- divider: to the next smaller level

Overclocking 1st Part

First i’ll show you a whole overclocking process on an example:
Intel® Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4GHz, DDR2 800MHz

CPU: 266MHz*9 = 2400MHz
RAM: 266MHz/2*3 = 400 MHz

FSB to 275MHz
CPU: 275MHz*9 = 2475MHz
RAM: 275MHz/2*3 = 413MHz

413MHz aren’t that bad for the RAM but if you get higher the PC couldn’t start or the RAM could even get fucked up. So be carefull with this!

To be sure we’ll set the divider to 1:1 and it’ll look like this:

275/1:1 = 275 MHz

But if this isn’t enough for you, you have to raise the FSB again:

FSB to 285MHz
CPU: 285MHz*9 = 2565MHz
RAM: 285MHz/1*1 = 285MHz
RAM: 285MHz/2*3 = 427MHz for good RAM – no problem


Check always the temperatures @ SpeedFan and stop if it’s getting to high! (more at the 2nd overclocking part)

Overclocking 2nd Part

The act of Overclock

1. Raise the FSB 5-10MHz @ BIOS
2. Start Speedfan (under windows) and check the temperatures. The CPU temperature shouldn’t be above the set temperature (set temperature = max. temp. -10°C)
3. Run prime95 for 30minutes. (more under Prime95)

a) If Prime isn’t telling a problem repeat step 1-3 till prime tells the first error. After this go on with step 4

b) If Prime is telling a problem go on with step 4.

4. Raise the VCore about 0.025 Volt. You should raise the VCore max. about 10%!
5. Run Prime (look at temperatures!!!)

a) If Prime isn’t telling a problem repeat step 1-3.
b) If Prime is telling a problem repeat step 4-5.

If your PC doesn’t boot after these changes you have to do a “Clear Cmos”(BIOS-Reset).
1. plug of your PC from the power supply
2. Switch the jumper for 5-10 seconds. After this switch it back again. (more at your MOBO-Guid)
3. Now the settings in the BIOS are resetted and your PC is able to boot again. Don’t forget the change your settings angain.

You repeat these steps untill you reach the set temperature of your CPU, you raised the VCore about 10% or the RAM reached its limit.
If you reached this point, you have to set the FSB to the last stable level. Don’t forget to change the RAM-divider maybe again.

Overclocking 3rd Part – Extreme Editions

Thats the easiest way to overclok you CPU. You just have to raise your CPU-multi and the RAM will raise also.


You have to run the Torture Test under Options/Tortour Test….
Settings like this:

image: prime95001dd2

If you are running a Dual-Core processor you have to copy the directory and run prime95 twice.

BIOS Update

1. download BIOS and copy to a bootable CD or Floppy
2. at booting you have to push a combination of some keys (look at your MOBO-Guid)
3. now flashing-act starts
4. at the end the PC will reboot and the screen maybe will stay black
5. now you have to plug of your PC from the power supply. Switch the jumper for 5-10 seconds. After this switch it back again. (more at your MOBO-Guid)
6. reboot – thats it

Finding the limit
1. max. FSB

For this you have to lower your CPU-multi and raise the FSB. It’s not bad if your CPU is running under the standard-clock-speed.


Intel® Pentium D 820 2.8GHz Smithfield
CPU-multi: 14

FSB: 200MHz with lower CPU-multi
200MHz*10 = 2000MHz

raiseing the FSB to 230MHz
230MHz*10 = 2300GHz

Do this until your PC doesn’t boot again. If it doesn’t you have do do a CMOS-Reset.
Look at the temperatures and run prime, too!

2. RAM

You can choose between a bigger FSB or you change the divider. If you change the divider it’ll be a big overclocking! If you want to make it step by step you should choose to raise the FSB. But: Watch the CPU-multi, or you’ll overclock it, too. So lower the CPU-multi and nothing can happen.

You can test your RAM with prime95 again, but now you choose the blend-test.

image: prime95002fa7

These statements are without guarantee.
I don't take on damage at your hardware.
Nice tutorial m8, u did a lot of effort I see, too bad I have AMD xD
4. Raise the VCore about 0.025 Volt. You should raise the VCore max. about 10%!
If I remember right e6600 series default vcore is something close to 1,375 and im running it 1,5voltage omg im screwed

If your PC doesn’t boot after these changes you have to do a “Clear Cmos”(BIOS-Reset).
1. plug of your PC from the power supply
2. Switch the jumper for 5-10 seconds. After this switch it back again. (more at your MOBO-Guid)
3. Now the settings in the BIOS are resetted and your PC is able to boot again. Don’t forget the change your settings angain.
Most of "new" mobos do that for u nice tutorail
I like!
Need an AMD-Overclocking tutorial!
very good tutorial
Really nice stuff
yea, nice like that stuff that ngr sold us last week, right tossie?
nice work fuZed
How to overclock a AMD ? Maybe something for your next tut?
If you open amd based bios and think about this tutorial you should oc it easily
it works the same way as intel CPU's
1 question about overclocking, what about comp with SATA hdds? no chance to get FSB up more than 5 MHz?
I raised my FSB from 200 mhz to 260 mhz (AMD Athlon64 3200+ venice) and it works well, but if I go just 1 mhz higher my sata disks arent found
Lol :D
Overclock is easy, almost same for AMD, but it's different on every motherboard
Oced my E6750 from 2,67 GHz to 3,5 GHz :P Scythe Mugen <33333
So if i would like to get my E6600 (2400 mhz) to eg 2800 mhz then if default vcore volt was 1,375 then i should now set it to around 1,5? And what happens if i set it too much :/ will i just kill my cpu and what happens if i will just go cpu 2800 mhz and do not change vcore voltage in longer term
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