Murzzy's profile picture
  • Lives in Malta mt
  • 15 years and 6 months
  • Profile hits: 12
Follows (2)
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Chuvstva - kak Louis Vuitton - Ili nastojashie, ili ne nado...
Ponti - kak shubi Roberto Cavalli - idut tolko Filippu Kirkorovu...
Sex - kak Gucci - mnogo ne bivaet...
Cocaine - kak Versace - uje nemodno, no mnogie privikli...
Cigarettes - kak Valentino - elegantno, no starit...
Clubs - kak Richmond - uje prosto smeshno...
Alcohol - kak Dolce and Gabbana - tolko v meru...
Skromnost - kak Cartier - ukrashaet...
Travka - kak Cherkizonstyle - deshevo i vse xot' raz probobali...

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