[23:53] AzZa: and i jus found da xp disk
[23:53] AppleBoy: :OO
[23:53] AzZa: but fkin internet fing in me mums room
[23:53] AzZa: can u dl them things for net to work
[23:54] AppleBoy: wt u mean?
[23:54] AzZa: cos on vista it loads up and net works str8 away
[23:54] AzZa: but on xp i gta put da disk in
[23:54] AppleBoy: yeah but how can u dl them wid no inet
[23:54] AzZa: iono
[23:54] AzZa: lol
[00:03] AppleBoy: lol is der no way u cn get anuva?
[00:04] AzZa: anuva wt?
[00:04] AppleBoy: CD
[00:04] AppleBoy: of xp
[00:04] AzZa: no
[00:05] AzZa: my ownage is nt ment to be
StoKeZz- Excuses end with the ET silence :[
[21:38] AppleBoy: u nt cmin out?
[21:38] StoKeZz // dARTY: now?:/
[21:38] StoKeZz // dARTY: cba now
[21:38] AppleBoy: its onli 38 mins later than b4
[21:43] <stokezz is now playing Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory>
[13:27] AppleBoy: u cmin out?
[13.27] StoKeZz // dARTY: i am out lol
[15:18] AppleBoy: aup
[15:19] •*˜David˜*•: davids not currently here.
[15:19] •*˜David˜*•: its his sister.
[15:20] <sabre215 is now playing World of Warcraft>